Lesson 32
1. Declension of Pronouns
There are:
- Relative pronouns,
- demonstrative pronouns and
- interrogative pronouns
of all three genders.
They are declined in all cases except the vocative. They become
adjectives when they qualify other nouns.
2. Masculine gender, singular number
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
yo = he who |
so = he, that |
ko = who |
yaṃ |
taṃ |
kaṃ |
Ins. |
yena |
tena |
kena |
Abl. |
yamhā, yasmā
tamhā, tasmā
kasmā, kismā |
yassa |
tassa |
kassa, kissa |
Gen. |
yassa |
tassa |
kassa, kissa |
yamhi, yasmiṃ |
tamhi, tasmiṃ
kamhi, kasmiṃ
kimhi, kismiṃ |
3. Neuter Gender, singular number
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
yaṃ = that
taṃ = it, that
kim = which
which |
yaṃ |
taṃ |
kim |
The rest is similar to the masculine declension
4. Feminine gender, singular number
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
yā = she,
who |
sā = she,
that |
kā = who |
yaṃ |
taṃ |
kaṃ |
Ins. |
yāya |
tāya |
kāya |
Abl. |
yāya |
tāya |
kāya |
yassā, yāya
tassā, tāya
kassā, kāya |
Gen. |
yassā, yāya |
tassā, tāya |
kassā, kāya |
yassaṃ, yāyaṃ
tassaṃ, tāyaṃ
kassaṃ, kāyaṃ
5. Masculine gender, plural number
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
ye = they, who
te = they, those |
ke = who |
ye |
te |
ke |
Ins. |
yehi |
tehi |
kehi |
Abl. |
yehi |
tehi |
kehi |
yesaṃ(yesānaṃ) |
tesaṃ (tesānaṃ)
kesaṃ (kesānaṃ) |
Gen. |
yesaṃ(yesānaṃ) |
tesaṃ (tesānaṃ)
kesaṃ (kesānaṃ) |
yesu |
tesu |
kesu |
6. Neuter gender, Plural:
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
yāni, ye =
those, which |
tāni, te = those |
kāni, ke = which
yāni, ye |
tāni, te
kāni, ke
The rest is similar to the masculine declension
7. Feminine gender, plural number
Relative Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Pronoun |
Nom. |
yā, yāyo = they,
who |
tā, tāyo = they,
those |
kā, kāyo = who |
yā, yā |
yo tā, tāyo |
kā, kāyo |
Ins. |
yāhi |
tāhi |
kāhi |
Abl. |
yāhi |
tāhi |
kāhi |
yāsaṃ (yāsānaṃ) |
tāsaṃ (tāsānaṃ)
kāsaṃ(kāsānaṃ) |
Gen. |
yāsaṃ (yāsānaṃ)
tāsaṃ (tāsānaṃ)
kāsaṃ(kāsānaṃ) |
yāsu |
tāsu |
kāsu |
8. The indefinite particle: ci
The indefinite particle ci (Skt. cid) is
appended to the case forms of the interrogative pronoun, expressing ideas
such as anyone, whichever, whoever, e.g.
koci puriso = some man;
kenaci purisena = by some man
kiñci phalaṃ = some fruit;
kenaci phalena = by some fruit
kāci itthi = some woman;
kāyaci itthiyā = by, to, of, on some woman.
9. Pronominal Adverbs
Relative Adverbs |
Adverbs |
Adverbs |
yattha - where
tattha - there
kattha - where |
yatra - where
tatra - there
kutra - where |
yato - whence,
where |
tato - thence,
therefore |
kuto - whence |
yathā - how, in
what manner |
tathā - in that
manner |
kathaṃ - how |
yasmā - because
tasmā -
therefore |
kasmā - why |
yadā - when
tadā - then
kadā - when
yena - where
tena - there |
yāva - how long |
tāva - so long |
10. Examples in sentence formation
Yo atthaññu hoti so kumāre anusāsituṃ āgacchatu.
May he who is benevolent come to admonish the boys.
Yaṃ ahaṃ ākaṅkhamāno ahosiṃ so āgato hoti.
He whom I was expecting has come.
Yena maggena so āgato tena gantuṃ ahaṃ icchāmi.
By which road he came, I wish to go by the same.
Yassa sā bhariyā hoti so bhattā puññavanto hoti.
He is a fortunate husband whose wife she is.
Yasmiṃ hatthe daddu atthi tena hatthena patto na gaṇhitabbo hoti.
The bowl should not be taken by the hand which has eczema on it.
Yāni kammāni sukhaṃ āvahanti (bring) tāni puññāni honti.
Those actions which bring happiness are meritorious.
Yā bhariyā sīlavatī hoti sā bhattuno piyāyati.
The wife who is virtuous is dear to the husband.
Yāya rājiniyā sā vāpī kārāpitā taṃ ahaṃ na anussarāmi.
I do not remember the queen by whom that tank was built.
Yassaṃ sabhāyaṃ so kathaṃ pavattesi tattha bahū manussā sannipatitā
abhaviṃsu / ahesuṃ.
The meeting where he made a speech, there many people gathered.
Yāsaṃ itthīnaṃ mañjūsāsu suvaṇṇaṃ atthi tāyo dvārāni thaketvā gehehi
Those women in whose boxes there is gold close the doors and go out.
Yāsu itthīsu kodho natthi tāyo vinītā bhariyāyo ca mātaro ca
Women in whom there is no anger become disciplined wives and
Yattha bhūpatayo dhammikā honti tattha manussā sukhaṃ vindanti.
Where kings are righteous, there the men enjoy happiness.
Yato bhānumā ravi lokaṃ obhāseti tato cakkhumantā rūpāni passanti.
Since the radiant sun illuminates the world, (therefore) those who
have eyes see objects.
Yathā Bhagavā dhammaṃ deseti, tathā tumhehi paṭipajjitabbaṃ.
Just as the Blessed One preaches the doctrine, so should you conduct
Yasmā pitaro rukkhe ropesuṃ, tasmā mayaṃ phalāni bhuñjāma.
Because fathers planted trees, (therefore) we enjoy fruits.
Yāda amhehi icchitaṃ patthitaṃ samijjhati tadā amhe modāma.
When our wishes and aspirations are fulfilled, then we are happy.
Ko tvaṃ asi? Ke tumhe hotha?
Who are you (sg.)?
Who are you (pl.)?
Kena dhenu aṭaviyā ānītā?
By whom was the cow brought from the forest?
Kassa bhūpatinā pāsādo kārāpito?
For whom was the palace built by the king?
Kasmā amhehi saccaṃ bhāsitabbaṃ?
Why should we speak the truth?
Asappurisehi pālite dīpe kuto mayaṃ dhammikaṃ vinetāraṃ labhissāma?
In an island governed by wicked men where will we get a righteous
Kehi kataṃ kammaṃ disvā tumhe kujjhatha?
Seeing whose work (lit. done by whom) do you get angry?
Kesaṃ nattāro tuyhaṃ ovāde ṭhassanti?
Whose grandsons will stand by your advice?
Kehi ropitāsu latāsu pupphāni ca phalāni ca bhavanti?
On the creepers planted by whom are there flowers and fruits?
Kāya itthiyā pādesu daddu atthi?
On the feet of which woman is there eczema?
Exercise 32:
11. Translate into English:
1. Yassā so putto hoti sā mātā puññavatī hoti.
2. Yo taṃ dīpaṃ pāleti so dhammiko bhūpati hoti.
3. Kena ajja (today) navaṃ (new) jīvitamaggaṃ na pariyesitabbaṃ?
4. Sace tumhe asappurisā lokaṃ dūseyyātha (pollute) kattha
puttadhītarehi saddhiṃ tumhe vasatha?
5. Yadā bhikkhavo sannipatitvā sālāyaṃ kilañjāsu nisīdiṃsu tadā Buddho
6. Yasmiṃ padese Buddho viharati tattha gantuṃ ahaṃ icchāmi.
7. Yāyaṃ guhāyaṃ sīhā vasanti taṃ pasavo na upasaṅkamanti.
8. Yo dhanavā hoti, tena sīlavatā bhavitabbaṃ.
9. Sace tumhe maṃ pañhaṃ pucchissatha ahaṃ vissajjetuṃ (to explain)
10. Yattha sīlavantā bhikkhavo vasanti tattha manussā sappurisā honti.
11. Kadā tvaṃ mātaraṃ passituṃ bhariyāya saddhiṃ gacchasi?
12. Yāhi rukkhā chinnā tāyo pucchituṃ kassako āgato hoti.
13. Kathaṃ tumhe udadhiṃ tarituṃ ākaṅkhatha?
14. Kuto tā itthiyo maṇayo āhariṃsu?
15. Yāsu mañjūsāsu ahaṃ suvaṇṇaṃ nikkhipiṃ tā corā coresuṃ.
16. Yo ajja nagaraṃ gacchati so tarūsu ketavo passissati.
17. Yassa mayā yāgu pūjitā so bhikkhu tava putto hoti.
18. Kuto ahaṃ dhammassa viññātāraṃ paññavantaṃ bhikkhuṃ labhissāmi?
19. Yasmā so bhikkhūsu pabbaji, tasmā sā pi pabbajituṃ icchati.
20. Yaṃ ahaṃ jānāmi tumhe pi taṃ jānātha.
21. Yāsaṃ itthīnaṃ dhanaṃ so icchati tāhi taṃ labhituṃ so na sakkoti.
22. Yato amhākaṃ bhūpati arayo parājesi tasmā mayaṃ tarūsu ketavo
23. Kadā amhākaṃ patthanā (aspirations) samijjhanti?
24. Sabbe te sappurisā tesaṃ pañhe vissajjetuṃ vāyamantā sālāya nisinnā
25. Sace tvaṃ dvāraṃ thakesi ahaṃ pavisituṃ na sakkomi.
26. Amhehi katāni kammāni chāyāyo viya amhe anubandhanti.
27. Susavo mātaraṃ rakkhanti.
28. Ahaṃ sāminā saddhiṃ gehe viharantī modāmi.
29. Tumhākaṃ puttā ca dhītaro ca udadhiṃ taritvā bhaṇḍāni vikkiṇantā
mūlaṃ pariyesituṃ icchanti.
30. Tvaṃ suraṃ pivasi, tasmā sā tava kujjhati.
12. Translate into Pāli:
1. He who is virtuous will defeat the enemy.
2. The girl who spoke at the meeting is not a relation of mine.
3. When the mother comes home the daughter will give the gems.
4. The dog to whom I gave rice is my brother's.
5. Why did you not come home today to worship the monks?
6. From where did you get the robes which you offered to the monks?
7. Whom did you give the gold which I gave you?
8. Eat what you like.
9. I will sit on the rock until you bathe in the river.
10. Where intelligent people live there I wish to dwell.