Ví như người mù sờ voi, tuy họ mô tả đúng thật như chỗ sờ biết, nhưng ta thật không thể nhờ đó mà biết rõ hình thể con voi.Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Người ngu nghĩ mình ngu, nhờ vậy thành có trí. Người ngu tưởng có trí, thật xứng gọi chí ngu.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 63)
Nếu chuyên cần tinh tấn thì không có việc chi là khó. Ví như dòng nước nhỏ mà chảy mãi thì cũng làm mòn được hòn đá.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Người ta thuận theo sự mong ước tầm thường, cầu lấy danh tiếng. Khi được danh tiếng thì thân không còn nữa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Người hiền lìa bỏ không bàn đến những điều tham dục.Kẻ trí không còn niệm mừng lo, nên chẳng bị lay động vì sự khổ hay vui.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 83)
Khó thay được làm người, khó thay được sống còn. Khó thay nghe diệu pháp, khó thay Phật ra đời!Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 182)
Ai sống quán bất tịnh, khéo hộ trì các căn, ăn uống có tiết độ, có lòng tin, tinh cần, ma không uy hiếp được, như núi đá, trước gió.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 8)
Giữ tâm thanh tịnh, ý chí vững bền thì có thể hiểu thấu lẽ đạo, như lau chùi tấm gương sạch hết dơ bẩn, tự nhiên được sáng trong.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, sân làm hại người đời. Bố thí người ly sân, do vậy được quả lớn.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 357)
Mặc áo cà sa mà không rời bỏ cấu uế, không thành thật khắc kỷ, thà chẳng mặc còn hơn.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 9)

Trang chủ »» Kinh Bắc truyền »» Phật Quả Viên Ngộ Thiền Sư Bích Nham Lục [佛果圜悟禪師碧巖錄] »» Bản Việt dịch quyển số 3 »»

Phật Quả Viên Ngộ Thiền Sư Bích Nham Lục [佛果圜悟禪師碧巖錄] »» Bản Việt dịch quyển số 3


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Chọn dữ liệu để xem đối chiếu song song:

The Blue Cliff Record

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Translated by: Source: http://fodian.net/world/

Đại Tạng Kinh Việt Nam

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Hekiganroku - Case 21: Chimon's "Lotus"
A monk asked Chimon,
"What is it when the lotus has not yet come out of the water?"
Chimon said,
"Lotus flowers."
The monk asked,
"What is it after the lotus has come out of the water?"
Chimon replied,
"Lotus leaves."
Hekiganroku - Case 22: Seppo's "Poisonous Snake" [1]
Seppo, instructing the assembly, said,
"There's a poisonous snake on the southern side of the mountain. All of you
should look at it carefully!"
Chokei said,
"Today in the Zen hall there are many people. They have lost their body
and life."
A monk told this to Gensha, who said,
"Only Elder Brother Ryo [2] could say something like that. However,
I wouldn't talk like that."
The monk asked,
"What then would you say, Master"?
Gensha replied,
"Why does it have to be 'the southern side of the mountain'?"
Unmon threw his staff in front of Seppo and acted frightened.
[1]: see case 24 of Shoyoroku.
[2]: i.e. Chokei
Hekiganroku - Case 23: Hofuku and Chokei Go on a Picnic
Once Hofuku and Chokei went out on a picnic in the hills.
Hofuku, pointing with a finger, said,
"Right here is the summit of Myo Peak." [1]
Chokei said,
"Exactly. But, it's regrettable."
(Setcho commented saying,
"What's the use of making an excursion with these fellows today?"
He again said,
"Hundreds and thousands of years from now, I don't say that there will
be none like him, only that there will be very few.")
Later, they reported to Kyosei about it. Kyosei said,
"If it weren't for the Reverend Son [2], you would see only skeletons in
the field."
[1] Literally: "the Peak of Wonder."
[2] Namely Chokei.
Hekiganroku - Case 24: Tetsuma, the Cow
Ryu Tetsuma [1] came to Isan. Isan said,
"Old Cow, you have come!"
Tetsuma said,
"Tomorrow there will be a great feast at Mt Tai [2].
Will you go there, Master?"
Isan lay down and stretched himself out. Tetsuma left immediately.
[1] A famous Zen person, once a student of Isan. Her name means "Ryu, the
iron grindstone."
[2] More exactly: Mt. Gotai, which is far away in the northern part of
the country.
Case 25: The Hermit of Lotus Peak
The hermit of Lotus Peak [1] took up his staff and showed it to the assembly,
saying, "When the old ones [2] reached this point, why didn't they dare
to remain here?" The assembly was silent. He himself answered in their stead,
saying, "Because that has no power on the Way."
Again he said, "After all, how is it?" Once more he himself answered in
their place, saying, "With my staff across my shoulders, and, paying other
people no heed, I go straight into the thousand and ten thousand peaks."
[1] Originally "Rengeho." His real name was Sho, a Dharma grandson of
Unmon Zenji
[2] The great Zen personages of old.
Hekiganroku - Case 26: Hyakujo on Daiyu Peak
A monk asked Hyakujo,
"What is the matter of extraordinary wonder?"
Hyakujo said,
"Sitting alone on Daiyu [1] Peak!"
The monk made a deep bow. Hyakujo thereupon hit him.
[1] The name of the mountain, where Hyakujo's monastery was located.
Hekiganroku - Case 27: Unmon's "Complete exposure"
A monk asked Unmon,
"What is it when the tree withers and the leaves fall?"
Unmon answered,
"Complete exposure of the golden wind. [1]"
[1] The autumn wind was also called "golden wind".
Case 28: Nansen's "Dharma That Has Never Been Preached"
Nansen went to see Master Hyakujo Nehan.
Hyakujo asked,
"Is there any Dharma that the sages of the past have never preached to
the people?"
Nansen said,
"There is."
Hyakujo asked,
"What is this Dharma that has never been preached to the people?"
Nansen said,
"This is not mind, this is not Buddha, this is not thing."
Hyakujo said,
"You did preach like that."
Nansen said,
"That's how it is with me. How about you, Master?"
Hyakujo said,
"I am not a man of great wisdom. How am I to know whether there is a
Dharma that has been preached or that has never been preached?"
Nansen said,
"I don't understand."
Hyakujo said,
"I have already preached to you fully."
Hekiganroku - Case 29: Daizui and the "Kalpa Fire"
A monk asked Daizui,
"When the great kalpa fire is inflamed, the whole universe [1] will be
destroyed. I wonder if 'that' will also be destroyed or not."
Daizui said,
The monk said,
"If so, will 'that' be gone with the other?" [2]
Daizui said,
"Gone with the other."
[1] Literally: "a billion worlds"
[2] The word "the other" means "the universe."
Hekiganroku - Case 30: Joshu's "Giant Radishes"
A monk asked Joshu,
"I've heard that you personally met Nansen [1]. Is it true or not?"
Joshu replied,
"The province of Chin [2] produces giant radishes."
[1] I.e., "... that you were a student of Nansen."
[2] The province of Chin was famous for producing great radishes. Joshu's
monastery was also located in that area.

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