Dầu mưa bằng tiền vàng, Các dục khó thỏa mãn. Dục đắng nhiều ngọt ít, Biết vậy là bậc trí.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 186)
Người có trí luôn thận trọng trong cả ý nghĩ, lời nói cũng như việc làm. Kinh Pháp cú
Người ta thuận theo sự mong ước tầm thường, cầu lấy danh tiếng. Khi được danh tiếng thì thân không còn nữa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Người biết xấu hổ thì mới làm được điều lành. Kẻ không biết xấu hổ chẳng khác chi loài cầm thú.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Thường tự xét lỗi mình, đừng nói lỗi người khác.
Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Ai sống quán bất tịnh, khéo hộ trì các căn, ăn uống có tiết độ, có lòng tin, tinh cần, ma không uy hiếp được, như núi đá, trước gió.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 8)
Chớ khinh tội nhỏ, cho rằng không hại;
giọt nước tuy nhỏ, dần đầy hồ to!
(Do not belittle any small evil and say that no ill comes about therefrom. Small is a drop of water, yet it fills a big vessel.)Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Lửa nào sánh lửa tham? Ác nào bằng sân hận? Khổ nào sánh khổ uẩn? Lạc nào bằng tịnh lạc?Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 202)
Như ngôi nhà khéo lợp, mưa không xâm nhập vào. Cũng vậy tâm khéo tu, tham dục không xâm nhập.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 14)
Không thể lấy hận thù để diệt trừ thù hận.
Kinh Pháp cú
Kính mong quý độc giả xem kinh cùng góp sức hoàn thiện bằng cách gửi email về admin@rongmotamhon.net để báo cho chúng tôi biết những chỗ còn có lỗi.
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[267] 1. THUS HAVE I HEARD. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park.
Then, when it was evening, the venerable Puṇṇa rose from meditation and went to the Blessed One.1315 After paying homage to the Blessed One, he sat down at one side and said to him:
2. “Venerable sir, it would be good if the Blessed One would give me brief advice. Having heard the Dhamma from the Blessed One, I will abide alone, withdrawn, diligent, ardent, and resolute.”
“Well then, Puṇṇa, listen and attend carefully to what I shall say.”
“Yes, venerable sir,” the venerable Puṇṇa replied. The Blessed One said this:
3. “Puṇṇa, there are forms cognizable by the eye that are wished for, desired, agreeable, and likeable, connected with sensual desire and provocative of lust.
If a bhikkhu delights in them, welcomes them, and remains holding to them, delight arises in him. With the arising of delight, Puṇṇa, there is the arising of suffering, I say.1316
There are, Puṇṇa, sounds cognizable by the ear… odours cognizable by the nose… flavours cognizable by the tongue… tangibles cognizable by the body… mind-objects cognizable by the mind that are wished for, desired, agreeable, and likeable, connected with sensual desire [268] and provocative of lust.
If a bhikkhu delights in them, welcomes them, and remains holding to them, delight arises in him. With the arising of delight, Puṇṇa, there is the arising of suffering, I say.
4. “Puṇṇa, there are forms cognizable by the eye… sounds cognizable by the ear… odours cognizable by the nose… flavours cognizable by the tongue… tangibles cognizable by the body… mind-objects cognizable by the mind that are wished for, desired, agreeable, and likeable, connected with sensual desire and provocative of lust.
If a bhikkhu does not delight in them, welcome them, and remain holding to them, delight ceases in him. With the cessation of delight, Puṇṇa, there is the cessation of suffering, I say.
5. “Now that I have given you this brief advice, Puṇṇa, in which country will you dwell?”
“Venerable sir, now that the Blessed One has given me this brief advice, I am going to dwell in the Sunāparanta country.”
“Puṇṇa, the people of Sunāparanta are fierce and rough. If they abuse and threaten you, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta abuse and threaten me, then I shall think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are excellent, truly excellent, in that they did not give me a blow with the fist.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.”
“But, Puṇṇa, if the people of Sunāparanta do give you a blow with the fist, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta do give me a blow with the fist, then I shall think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are excellent, truly excellent, in that they did not give me a blow with a clod.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.”
“But, Puṇṇa, if the people of Sunāparanta do give you a blow with a clod, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta do give me a blow with a clod, then I shall think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are excellent, truly excellent, in that they did not give me a blow with a stick.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.” [269]
“But, Puṇṇa, if the people of Sunāparanta do give you a blow with a stick, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta do give me a blow with a stick, then I shall think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are excellent, truly excellent, in that they did not give me a blow with a knife.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.”
“But, Puṇṇa, if the people of Sunāparanta do give you a blow with a knife, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta do give me a blow with a knife, then I shall think: ‘These people of Sunāparanta are excellent, truly excellent, in that they have not taken my life with a sharp knife.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.”
“But, Puṇṇa, if the people of Sunāparanta do take your life with a sharp knife, what will you think then?”
“Venerable sir, if the people of Sunāparanta do take my life with a sharp knife, then I shall think thus: ‘There have been disciples of the Blessed One who, being repelled, humiliated, and disgusted by the body and by life, have sought an assailant. But I have obtained this assailant without even a search.’ Then I shall think thus, Blessed One; then I shall think thus, Sublime One.”
6. “Good, good, Puṇṇa! Possessing such self-control and peacefulness, you will be able to dwell in the Sunāparanta country. Now, Puṇṇa, it is time to do as you think fit.”
7. Then, having delighted and rejoiced in the Blessed One’s words, the venerable Puṇṇa rose from his seat, and after paying homage to the Blessed One, departed keeping him on his right. He then set his resting place in order, took his bowl and outer robe, and set out to wander towards the Sunāparanta country. Wandering by stages, he eventually arrived in the Sunāparanta country, and there he lived.
Then, during that Rains, the venerable Puṇṇa established five hundred men lay followers and five hundred women lay followers in the practice, and he himself realised the three true knowledges. On a later occasion, the venerable Puṇṇa attained final Nibbāna.1317
8. Then a number of bhikkhus went to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, they sat down at one side and told him:
“Venerable sir, the clansman Puṇṇa, who [270] was given brief advice by the Blessed One, has died. What is his destination? What is his future course?”
“Bhikkhus, the clansman Puṇṇa was wise. He practised in accordance with the Dhamma and did not trouble me in the interpretation of the Dhamma. The clansman Puṇṇa has attained final Nibbāna.”
That is what the Blessed One said. The bhikkhus were satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One’s words.
Hết phần 145. Kinh Giáo Giới Phú-lâu-na (Punnovāda sutta) (Lên đầu trang)
Chú ý: Việc đăng nhập thường chỉ thực hiện một lần và hệ thống sẽ ghi nhớ thiết bị này, nhưng nếu đã đăng xuất thì lần truy cập tới quý vị phải đăng nhập trở lại. Quý vị vẫn có thể tiếp tục sử dụng trang này, nhưng hệ thống sẽ nhận biết quý vị như khách vãng lai.
Quý vị đang truy cập từ IP và chưa ghi danh hoặc đăng nhập trên máy tính này. Nếu là thành viên, quý vị chỉ cần đăng nhập một lần duy nhất trên thiết bị truy cập, bằng email và mật khẩu đã chọn.
Chúng tôi khuyến khích việc ghi danh thành viên ,để thuận tiện trong việc chia sẻ thông tin, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm sống giữa các thành viên, đồng thời quý vị cũng sẽ nhận được sự hỗ trợ kỹ thuật từ Ban Quản Trị trong quá trình sử dụng website này. Việc ghi danh là hoàn toàn miễn phí và tự nguyện.
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