Người ta thuận theo sự mong ước tầm thường, cầu lấy danh tiếng. Khi được danh tiếng thì thân không còn nữa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Hãy lắng nghe trước khi nói. Hãy suy ngẫm trước khi viết. Hãy kiếm tiền trước khi tiêu pha. Hãy dành dụm trước khi nghỉ hưu. Hãy khảo sát trước khi đầu tư. Hãy chờ đợi trước khi phê phán. Hãy tha thứ trước khi cầu nguyện. Hãy cố gắng trước khi bỏ cuộc. Và hãy cho đi trước khi từ giã cuộc đời này. (Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you retire, save. Before you invest, investigate. Before you critisize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you die, give. )Sưu tầm
Khi gặp chướng ngại ta có thể thay đổi phương cách để đạt mục tiêu nhưng đừng thay đổi quyết tâm đạt đến mục tiêu ấy.
(When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there. )Zig Ziglar
Chiến thắng hàng ngàn quân địch cũng không bằng tự thắng được mình.
Kinh Pháp cú
Một người chưa từng mắc lỗi là chưa từng thử qua bất cứ điều gì mới mẻ.
(A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.)Albert Einstein
Khó thay được làm người, khó thay được sống còn. Khó thay nghe diệu pháp, khó thay Phật ra đời!Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 182)
Mục đích chính của chúng ta trong cuộc đời này là giúp đỡ người khác. Và nếu bạn không thể giúp đỡ người khác thì ít nhất cũng đừng làm họ tổn thương. (Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.)Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Ðêm dài cho kẻ thức, đường dài cho kẻ mệt,
luân hồi dài, kẻ ngu, không biết chơn diệu pháp.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 60)
Mỗi ngày, hãy mang đến niềm vui cho ít nhất một người. Nếu không thể làm một điều tốt đẹp, hãy nói một lời tử tế. Nếu không nói được một lời tử tế, hãy nghĩ đến một việc tốt lành.
(Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought.)Lawrence G. Lovasik
Ta sẽ có được sức mạnh của sự cám dỗ mà ta cưỡng lại được.
(We gain the strength of the temptation we resist.)Ralph Waldo Emerson
You are listening to the article: Day of the Dead - Vocabulary Listen and check your understanding by viewing the text.
Ok! This is the vocabulary for day of the dead. So the day of the dead.
I arrive in Guatemala on The Day of the Dead, November 1st. I'm curious about this holiday...
holiday is the normal word we use for a festival. some people say festival but holiday is more common . Christmas is a holiday. Halloween is a holiday. So holiday is common word, the most common word we use. ok?
So I say: I'm curious about this holiday, so I go to the cemetery...
Cemetery is a place for dead people. Many, many dead people in a cemetery cemetery it's right! the place for dead peolples cemetery! so large area usually large place. Cemetery. Ok!
The next paragraph I say the atmosphere is like a party...
here atmosphere means the general feeling of a place. E.G. I might say this house has a happy atmosphere. what means the place has a happy feeling, maybe it's a very HORMY* maybe a lot of nice people there. many reasons but the atmosphere means the feeling of a place.
So, the cemetery had an atmosphere, a feeling like a party. Many people everywhere. And people were sitting around the graves of their dead ancestors.
Grave, Grave is a place were one dead person is buried. One dead person is in a grave, one dead body is in a grave. Many graves in a cemetery. Right! So a cemetery has many, many graves. So which grave has one body. and then many grave in a cemetery. ok!
Sitting around the graves of their dead ancestors. And ancestor is a person who comes before you in your family E.G. your grandfather or grandmother is an ancestor, or your great grandmother is an ancestor. So, All the people in your family older than you who came before you these people are your ancestor. ok!
They clean the graves and add fresh flowers (the families clean the graves). And I walk around through the cemetery and admire(l appreciate, I like, I admire) the beauty of all the colorful flowers.
There is also color in the sky, because many kids (kids means children, so many children many kids) are flying kites (kites are paper or plastic with string and you fly then in the wind usually children fly kites). Some families are having a picnic next to the graves.
picnic is when you eat outside. Right? Eat outside with many people. there is a picnic. Ok? They eat, drink, and chat together. They laugh and smile. This is different then Usa. In the Usa cemeteries are always somberv somber means very serious somber! Serious and not fun. somber in American in the Usa cemeteries are somber. They are somber. very serious not fun.
We certainly never have festivals or parties next to graves. We don't laugh or play music or fly kites in cemeteries either.
And I say:
I find that I prefer the Guatemalan approach. I find that...
here find means realize. I realize that, I prefer the guatemalan approuch, I find, I realize. I find that, I understand that I prefer. ok? so here find has a different meaning than normal. a little bit.
So, I find that I prefer the guatemalan approuch.
approuch! here approuch means way. Ok? I prefer the Guatemaln way. the guatemaln method. I prefer the guatemalan way. I prefer the guatemalan approuch. Ok?
I Like the way they remember and celebrate those who have passed away.
passed away. to passed away means to die. it's very polite very polite and very soft way to say die. so, if someone (someone's) mother dies you can say: I am sorry your mother passed away. I am sorry your mom passed away. I am sorry she died. I am sorry she passed away. passed away is softer and more polite. ok.
next sentence I say:
I like that they acknowledge death,(acknowledge means to recognize, to see and recognize) instead of denying it(denying is the opposite of acknowledge. denying means avoid it's to say no to something. to avoid something its' to denying it. to denying. the opposite of denying it's acknowledge. Acknowledge and denying opposite.
ok! So they don't denying death the way Americans do. I like that there is life, as well as death, in their cemeteries.
Guatemalans call it "The Day of the Dead", but it is also a day to appreciate life.
appreciate means celebrate to understand and like to appreciate ok!?
that is all of the vocabulary. Listen to the vocabulary lesson a few times. read the text several times. listen the audio article a few times. And then finally listen to the mini-story many, many times, a lot, every day. ok.
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