Việc người khác ca ngợi bạn quá hơn sự thật tự nó không gây hại, nhưng thường sẽ khiến cho bạn tự nghĩ về mình quá hơn sự thật, và đó là khi tai họa bắt đầu.Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn
Đừng làm một tù nhân của quá khứ, hãy trở thành người kiến tạo tương lai. (Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. )Robin Sharma
Người thành công là người có thể xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc bằng chính những viên gạch người khác đã ném vào anh ta. (A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.)David Brinkley
Những căng thẳng luôn có trong cuộc sống, nhưng chính bạn là người quyết định có để những điều ấy ảnh hưởng đến bạn hay không. (There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not.)Valerie Bertinelli
Những chướng ngại không thể làm cho bạn dừng lại. Nếu gặp phải một bức tường, đừng quay lại và bỏ cuộc, hãy tìm cách trèo lên, vượt qua hoặc đi vòng qua nó. (Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. )Michael Jordon
Hạnh phúc không phải là điều có sẵn. Hạnh phúc đến từ chính những hành vi của bạn. (Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.)Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Tôi không hóa giải các bất ổn mà hóa giải cách suy nghĩ của mình. Sau đó, các bất ổn sẽ tự chúng được hóa giải. (I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.)Louise Hay
Nếu muốn đi nhanh, hãy đi một mình. Nếu muốn đi xa, hãy đi cùng người khác. (If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.)Ngạn ngữ Châu Phi
Nhà lợp không kín ắt bị mưa dột. Tâm không thường tu tập ắt bị tham dục xâm chiếm.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 13)
Chỉ có hai thời điểm mà ta không bị ràng buộc bởi bất cứ điều gì. Đó là lúc ta sinh ra đời và lúc ta nhắm mắt xuôi tay.Tủ sách Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn

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The Wild West, as we know it from Hollywood westerns, did not last a long time. Its
height was from about 1865 to 1885, or only twenty years. By 1885, there were railways
across the plains, fences had been built around farms and ranches and lawmen were on
the lookout for any troublemakers. Not only that, but by 1885 nearly all the buffalo had
been killed, and most of the Indians were on reservations.
Still the Wild West' had captured the imagination of the reading public. A former buffalo
hunter and Indian scout, Buffalo Bill Cody, decided to take advantage of his fame as a
cowboy. In 1883, he organized Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and toured North America
and Europe.
Alberta, Canada had been the last part of the old west to be settled. But by 1912,
ranching was being replaced by farming. The city of Calgary was itself becoming a
commercial and industrial center. Oldtimers looked back fondly to the old days of
cowboys and Indians.
In 1908, the Miller Brothers' Wild West Show visited Calgary. One of the cowboys, Guy
Weadick, talked to local businessmen about putting on a rodeo and the Wild West Show.
Eventually, four Calgary businessmen put up $25,000 each to finance the event.
Weadick was a good organizer. He advertised all over the U.S. and the Canadian west for
cowboys and rodeoriders to come. And with $25,000 in prize money, people came from
as far away as Mexico. Weadick was able to persuade the Canadian government to let
large numbers of Indians leave their reservations to attend. In fact, the Indians were a big
part of the program.
The main rodeo events were bronco riding, bareback riding, women's bronco riding,
steer roping and bulldogging. These events were based on things that working cowboys
actually did. But to make them harder, special bucking horses were brought in. One
horse named Cyclone had never been ridden long by anyone. He had thrown 127 riders
in a row.
Most of the rodeo cowboys came from the United States from Wyoming, Oregon,
Oklahoma, Colorado and Arizona. But there were also Canadian cowboys and some
Canadian Indians competing.
Queen Victoria's son, the Duke of Connaught, was the grand marshal. Many cowboys
rode well, but no one could stay on Cyclone. On the sixth and final day, the grounds were
muddy from rain, and the horses kept slipping. Cyclone escaped from his handlers and
ran around the track. For this last broncoriding contest, Cyclone's rider would be Tom
Three Persons. Three Persons was a Blood Indian from Southern Alberta. When Three
Persons got on Cyclone, the horse would rear up, then plunge its head down to throw the
rider. Cyclone acted as though it would topple over backwards, but Three Persons hung
on. Then it hurled itself forward with its head almost touching the ground. After a wild
ride of several minutes, Cyclone began to tire. The judges declared Tom Three Persons
the winner of the bucking bronco event. Three Persons was the only Canadian to win a
major event at that first Calgary Stampede in 1912.
Today, the Calgary Stampede continues to be the largest rodeo and Wild West show in
North America. It has many new events and attractions and still attracts the best rodeo
riders from all over North America.


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