Đừng chọn sống an nhàn khi bạn vẫn còn đủ sức vượt qua khó nhọc.Sưu tầm
Hãy cống hiến cho cuộc đời những gì tốt nhất bạn có và điều tốt nhất sẽ đến với bạn. (Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you. )Madeline Bridge
Người hiền lìa bỏ không bàn đến những điều tham dục.Kẻ trí không còn niệm mừng lo, nên chẳng bị lay động vì sự khổ hay vui.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 83)
Đừng làm một tù nhân của quá khứ, hãy trở thành người kiến tạo tương lai. (Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. )Robin Sharma
Có hai cách để lan truyền ánh sáng. Bạn có thể tự mình là ngọn nến tỏa sáng, hoặc là tấm gương phản chiếu ánh sáng đó. (There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.)Edith Wharton
Người duy nhất mà bạn nên cố gắng vượt qua chính là bản thân bạn của ngày hôm qua. (The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.)Khuyết danh
Hãy làm một người biết chăm sóc tốt hạt giống yêu thương trong tâm hồn mình, và những hoa trái của lòng yêu thương sẽ mang lại cho bạn vô vàn niềm vui và hạnh phúc.Tủ sách Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn
Người tốt không cần đến luật pháp để buộc họ làm điều tốt, nhưng kẻ xấu thì luôn muốn tìm cách né tránh pháp luật. (Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.)Plato
Vết thương thân thể sẽ lành nhưng thương tổn trong tâm hồn sẽ còn mãi suốt đời. (Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.)Mineko Iwasaki
Lời nói được thận trọng, tâm tư khéo hộ phòng, thân chớ làm điều ác, hãy giữ ba nghiệp tịnh, chứng đạo thánh nhân dạyKinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 281)

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About a thousand years ago, people known as the Vikings were known and feared
throughout Europe. The Vikings were the people of the northern part of Europe, called
Scandinavia, which includes the modern countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
The Vikings made their living by farming and fishing. However, by about the year 700,
they began making attacks, or raids, upon towns along the coasts of Europe in order to
steal the wealth of those towns.
The Vikings made their attacks very quickly and without any warning. They were very
cruel to the people of the towns they attacked, and they sometimes destroyed the towns
by burning down the buildings. In some parts of Europe, the local kings would often fight
against the Vikings. Sometimes, however, the kings would pay the Vikings in order to
persuade them not to attack.
Although the Vikings were known as fierce warriors, they also built excellent ships. The
wooden Viking ships, called longboats, were able to sail even in very bad weather. Many
Viking longboats were about 20 metres long, but some were nearly 90 metres long. The
Viking sailors used both sails and oars to move their ships.
The Vikings travelled across a large area. They made many of their attacks in Britain,
France, and Germany, but sometimes sailed south, into the Mediterranean Sea. Other
Vikings moved to the east, and then south along the rivers of Russia. Some even went as
far as the area that is now the country of Turkey. In some places, the Vikings decided to
stay. Many Vikings settled in England and in France, and eventually they mixed with the
local people. Other Vikings settled in Russia and also mixed with the people there.
The most famous travels of the Vikings were in the Atlantic Ocean. Vikings sailed
westward to the island of Iceland where many of them stayed. Today, the people of
Iceland are descended from the Vikings. Some Vikings sailed farther west to the cold
island of Greenland. Vikings lived in Greenland for several generations, but eventually
they died out. Some Vikings had gone even further west and reached the Canadian island
of Newfoundland. The Vikings only stayed for a few years, but they had reached North
America about 500 years before Christopher Columbus!
Gradually, the Vikings became converted to the Christian religion. They also stopped
raiding the towns of Europe, and instead of fighting, they began trading with their
neighbors. Today, the Scandinavian countries are known as very peaceloving nations.


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