Với kẻ kiên trì thì không có gì là khó, như dòng nước chảy mãi cũng làm mòn tảng đá.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Ai sống một trăm năm, lười nhác không tinh tấn, tốt hơn sống một ngày, tinh tấn tận sức mình.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 112)
Những người hay khuyên dạy, ngăn người khác làm ác, được người hiền kính yêu, bị kẻ ác không thích.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 77)
Vui thay, chúng ta sống, Không hận, giữa hận thù! Giữa những người thù hận, Ta sống, không hận thù!Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 197)
Ai dùng các hạnh lành, làm xóa mờ nghiệp ác, chói sáng rực đời này, như trăng thoát mây che.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 173)
Người cầu đạo ví như kẻ mặc áo bằng cỏ khô, khi lửa đến gần phải lo tránh. Người học đạo thấy sự tham dục phải lo tránh xa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Không làm các việc ác, thành tựu các hạnh lành, giữ tâm ý trong sạch, chính lời chư Phật dạy.Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Nếu người nói nhiều kinh, không hành trì, phóng dật; như kẻ chăn bò người, không phần Sa-môn hạnh.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 19)
Người ta trói buộc với vợ con, nhà cửa còn hơn cả sự giam cầm nơi lao ngục. Lao ngục còn có hạn kỳ được thả ra, vợ con chẳng thể có lấy một chốc lát xa lìa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Tinh cần giữa phóng dật, tỉnh thức giữa quần mê.Người trí như ngựa phi, bỏ sau con ngựa hèn.Kính Pháp Cú (Kệ số 29)

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Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva

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Translated by: The Buddhist Text Translation Society

Đại Tạng Kinh Việt Nam

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CHAPTER 01: Spiritual Penetrations in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven
Thus I have heard:
At one time, the Buddha was in the Trayastrimsha Heaven speaking Dharma for his mother.
At that time, uncountably many Buddhas and Great Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas from infinite worlds in the Ten Directions assembled to praise how Shakyamuni Buddha is able to manifest powerfully great wisdom and spiritual penetrations in the evil world of the Five Turbidities. They lauded how he regulates and subdues obstinate beings so they learn what causes suffering and what brings bliss. Each sent his attendants to pay their respects to the World Honored One.
At that time the Thus Come One smiled and emitted billions of great light clouds. There was
a light cloud of great fullness, a light cloud of great compassion, a light cloud of great wisdom, a light cloud of great prajna, a light cloud of great samadhi, a light cloud of great auspiciousness, a light cloud of great blessings, a light cloud of great merit, a light cloud of great refuge, and a light cloud of great praise.
After emitting indescribably many light clouds, he also uttered many wonderful, subtle sounds
There was the sound of dana paramita, the sound of shila paramita, the sound of kshanti paramita, the sound of virya paramita, the sound of dhyana paramita, and the sound of prajna paramita.
There was the sound of compassion, the sound of joyous giving, the sound of liberation, the sound of no-outflows, the sound of wisdom, the sound of great wisdom, the sound of the Lion's roar, the sound of the Great Lion's roar, the sound of thunderclouds, and the sound of great thunderclouds.
After he uttered indescribably many sounds, countless millions of gods, dragons, ghosts, and spirits from the Saha and other worlds also gathered in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven.
They came from the Heaven of the Four Kings, the Trayastrimsha Heaven, the Suyama Heaven, the Tushita Heaven, the Blissful Transformations Heaven, and the Heaven of Comfort Gained Through Others' Transformations.
They came from the Heaven of the Multitudes of Brahma, the Heaven of the Ministers of Brahma, the Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord, the Heaven of Lesser Light, the Heaven of Limitless Light, the Heaven of Light Sound, the Heaven of Lesser Purity, the Heaven of Limitless Purity, and the Heaven of Universal Purity.
They came from the Birth of Blessings Heaven, the Love of Blessings Heaven, the Abundant Fruit Heaven, the No Thought Heaven, the No Affliction Heaven, the No Heat Heaven, the Good Views Heaven, the Good Manifestation Heaven, the Ultimate Form Heaven, the Maheshvara Heaven, and so forth, to the Heaven of the Station of Neither Thought Nor Non-Thought.
All those groups of gods, dragons, ghosts and spirits came and gathered together.
Moreover, sea spirits, river spirits, stream spirits, tree spirits, mountain spirits, earth spirits, brook and marsh spirits, sprout and seedling spirits, day, night, and space spirits, heaven spirits, food and drink spirits, grass and wood spirits, and other such spirits from the Saha and other worlds came and gathered together.
In addition, all the great Ghost Kings from the Saha and other worlds came and gathered together. They were:
the Ghost King Evil 'Eyes, the Ghost King Blood-drinker, the Ghost King Essence and Energy-eater, the Ghost King Fetus and Egg-eater, the Ghost King Spreader of Sickness, the Ghost King Collector of Poisons, the Ghost King Kind-hearted, the Ghost King Blessings and Benefits, the Ghost King Great Regard and Respect, and others.
At that time, Shakyamuni Buddha said to the Dharma Prince, Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, Manjushri, "As you regard these Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, gods, dragons, ghosts and spirits from this land and other lands who are now gathered in the Trayastrimsha Heaven, do you know their number?"
Manjushri said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, even if I were to measure and reckon with my spiritual powers for a thousand eons I would not be able to know their number."
The Buddha told Manjushri, "Regarding them with my Buddha Eye, I also cannot count them all. Those beings have been taken across, are being taken across, will be taken across, have been brought to accomplishment, are being brought to accomplishment, or will be brought to accomplishment by Earth Store Bodhisattva, throughout many eons."
Manjushri said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, throughout many eons I have cultivated good roots and my wisdom was certified as unobstructed. When I hear what the Buddha says, I immediately accept it with faith.
But Sound-hearers of small attainment, gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, and beings in the future who hear the Thus Come One's true and sincere words will certainly harbor doubts. Even if they receive the teaching most respectfully, they will still be unable to avoid slandering it.
My only wish is that the World Honored One will proclaim for everyone what practices Earth Store Bodhisattva did. Tell us what vows he made while on the level of planting causes that now enable him to succeed in doing such inconceivable deeds."
The Buddha said to Manjushri, "By way of analogy suppose that each blade of grass, tree, forest, rice plant, hemp stalk, bamboo, reed, mountain, rock and mote of dust in a Three Thousand Great Thousand-World System were a Ganges River. Then suppose that each grain of sand in each of those Ganges Rivers were a world and that each mote of dust in each of those worlds were an eon. Then suppose each mote of dust accumulated in each of those eons were itself an eon.
The time elapsed since Earth Store Bodhisattva was certified to the position of the Tenth Ground is a thousand times longer than that in the above analogy. Even longer was the time he dwelled on the levels of Sound-hearer and Pratyekabuddha.
Manjushri, the awesome spiritual strength and vows of this Bodhisattva are inconceivable.
If good men or women in the future hear this Bodhisattva's name, praise him, behold and bow to him, call his name, make offerings to him, or if they draw, carve, cast, sculpt or make lacquered images of him, such people will be reborn in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three one hundred times and will never fall into the Evil Paths.
"Manjushri, indescribably many eons ago, during the time of a Buddha named Lion Sprint Complete in the Ten Thousand Practices Thus Come One, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva was the son of a great Elder.
That Elder's son, upon observing the Buddha's hallmarks and fine features and how the thousand blessings adorned him, asked that Buddha what practices and vows made him so magnificent.
Lion Sprint Complete in the Ten Thousand Practices Thus Come One then said to the Elder's son. If you wish to have a body like mine, you must first spend a long time liberating beings who are undergoing suffering.'
"Manjushri, that comment caused the Elder's son to make a vow: 'From now until the ends of future time throughout uncountable eons I will use expansive expedient means to help beings in the Six Paths who are suffering for their offenses. Only when they have all been liberated, will I myself become a Buddha.'
From the time he made that great vow in the presence of that Buddha until now, hundreds of thousands of nayutas of inexpressibly many eons have passed and still he is a Bodhisattva.
"Another time, inconceivable Asamkhyeya eons ago there was a Buddha named Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. That Buddha's llfespan was four hundred billion Asamkhyeya eons.
During his Dharma-lmage Age, there lived a Brahman woman endowed with ample blessings from previous lives who was respected by everyone. Whether she was walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, gods surrounded and protected her.
Her mother, however, embraced a deviant faith and often slighted the Triple Jewel.
Her worthy daughter made use of many expedients in trying to convince her mother to hold right views, but her mother never totally believed. Before long the mother's life ended and her consciousness fell into the Relentless Hell.
"When that happened, the Brahman woman, knowing that her mother had not believed in cause and effect while alive, feared that her karma would certainly pull her into the Evil Paths.
For that reason, she sold the family house and acquired many kinds of incense, flowers, and other gifts. With those she performed a great offering in that Buddha's stupas and monasteries.
She saw an especially fine image of the Thus Come One Enlightenment Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King in one of the monasteries.
As the Brahman woman beheld the honored countenance she became doubly respectful while thinking to herself, 'Buddhas are called Greatly Enlightened Ones who have gained All-Wisdom. If this Buddha were in the world I could ask him where my mother went after she died. He would certainly know.'
"The Brahman woman then wept for a long time as she gazed longingly upon the Thus Come One.
Suddenly a voice in the air said, '0 weeping, worthy woman, do not be so sorrowful. I shall now show you where your mother has gone."
"The Brahman woman placed her palms together as she addressed space saying, 'Which Virtuous Divinity is comforting me in my grief? From the day I lost my mother onward I have held her in memory day and night, but there is nowhere I can go to ask about the realm of her rebirth.'
"The voice in the air spoke to the woman again, I am the one you behold and worship, the former Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. Because I have seen your regard for your mother is double that of ordinary beings, I have come to show you where she is.'
"The Brahman woman suddenly lunged toward the voice she was hearing and then fell, injuring herself severely. Those around her supported and attended upon her and after a long time she was revived.
Then she addressed the air saying, I hope the Buddha will be compassionate and quickly tell me into what realm my mother has been reborn. I am now near death myself.'
"Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One told the worthy woman, After you make your offerings, return home quickly. Sit upright and concentrate on my name. You will soon know where your mother has been reborn.'
"The Brahman woman bowed to the Buddha and returned home. The memory of her mother sustained her as she sat upright recollecting Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One.
"After doing so for a day and night, she suddenly saw herself beside a sea whose waters seethed and bubbled. Many evil beasts with iron bodies flew swiftly back and forth above the sea.
She saw hundreds of thousands of men and women bobbing up and down in the sea, being fought over, seized, and eaten by the evil beasts.
She saw Yakshas with different shapes. Some had many hands, some many eyes, some many legs, some many heads. With their sharp fangs they drove the offenders on towards the evil beasts. Or the Yakshas themselves seized the offenders and twisted their heads and feet together into shapes so horrible that no one would dare even look at them for long.
During that time the Brahman woman was naturally without fear due to the power of recollecting the Buddha.
"A ghost king named Poisonless bowed his head in greeting and said to the worthy woman, 'Welcome, 0 Bodhisattva. What conditions bring you here?'
"The Brahman woman asked the ghost king, 'What is this place?'
"Poisonless replied, 'We are on the western side of the Great Iron Ring Mountain and this is the first of the seas that encircle it.'
"The worthy woman said, 'I have heard that the hells are within the Iron Ring. Is that actually so?'
"Poisonless answered, 'Yes, the hells are here.'
"The worthy woman asked, 'How have I now come to the hells?'
"Poisonless answered, If it wasn't awesome spiritual strength that brought you here, then it was the power of karma. Those are the only two ways anyone comes here. "
The worthy woman asked, 'Why is this water seething and bubbling, and why are there so many offenders and evil beasts?'
Poisonless replied. These are beings of Jambudvipa who did evil deeds. They have just died and passed through forty-nine days without any surviving relatives doing any meritorious deeds on their behalf to rescue them from their distress. Besides that, during their lives they themselves didn't plant any good causes. Now their own karma calls forth these hells. Their first task is to cross this sea.
Ten thousand yojanas east of this sea is another sea in which they will undergo twice as much suffering. East of that sea is yet another sea where the sufferings are doubled still again.
What the combined evil causes of the three karmic vehicles evoke is called the sea of karma. This is that place.'
"The worthy woman asked the Ghost King Poisonless, 'Where are the hells?'
"Poisonless answered, 'Within the three seas are hundreds of thousands of great hells, each one different. Eighteen of those are known as the great hells. Five hundred subsequent ones inflict limitless cruel sufferings. Following those are hundreds of thousands that inflict limitless further sufferings.'
"The worthy woman again questioned the great ghost king, 'My mother died recently and I do not know where she has gone.'
"The ghost king asked the worthy woman, 'When the Bodhisattva's mother was alive, what habits did she have?"
"The worthy woman replied, 'My mother held deviant views and ridiculed and slandered the Triple Jewel. Even if she occasionally believed, she would soon become disrespectful again. She died recently and I still do not know where she was reborn.'
"Poisonless asked, 'What was the Bodhisattva's mother's name and clan?'
"The worthy woman replied, 'My parents were both Brahmans; my father's name was Shila Sudarshana, my mother's name was Yue Di Li.'
"Poisonless placed his palms together and implored the worthy woman, 'Please, Worthy One, quickly return home. There is no need for you to grieve further. The offender Yue Di Li was born in the heavens three days ago.
It is said that she received the benefit of offerings made and blessings cultivated by her filial child who practiced giving to Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One at stupas and monasteries.
Not only was the Bodhisattva's mother released from the hells. All the other offenders who were destined for the Relentless Hell received bliss and were reborn together with her.'
Having finished speaking, the ghost king put his palms together and withdrew.
"The Brahman woman returned swiftly as if from a dream, understood what had happened, and then made a profound and far-reaching vow before the stupas and images of Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One, saying, 'I vow that until the end of future eons I will respond to beings suffering for their offenses by using many expedient means to bring about their liberation.'"
The Buddha told Manjushri, "The Ghost King Poisonless is the present Bodhisattva Foremost Wealth. The Brahman woman is now Earth Store Bodhisattva."
CHAPTER 02: The Division Bodies Gather
At that time the division bodies of Earth Store Bodhisattva began gathering in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven from billions of inexpressible, unutterable, immeasurable, ineffable, limitless Asamkhyeyas of worlds. They came from wherever hells were found.
Due to the spiritual powers of the Thus Come One, each came from his own direction and was joined by billions of nayutas of those who had obtained liberation from the force of bad karma. All came holding incense and flowers as offerings to the Buddha.
Those groups that came were irreversible from Anuttara- samyaksambodhi because they had been taught and transformed by Earth Store Bodhisattva.
For long eons they had wandered in birth and death, undergoing suffering within the Six Paths without even temporary respite. Now they had reached levels of Sagehood due to the great compassion and deep vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva.
They felt joyful as they arrived at the Trayastrimsha Heaven and gazed at the Thus Come One, their eyes not leaving him for a moment.
At that time, the World Honored One stretched forth his golden colored arm and rubbed the crowns of all the division bodies of Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, gathered from billlons of Inexpressible, Inconceivable, immeasurable, ineffable, limitless Asamkhyeyas of worlds, and said,
"I teach and transform obstinate beings such as these within the evil worlds of the Five Turbidities, causing their minds to be regulated and subdued so they renounce the deviant and return to the proper.
But one or two of ten still cling to their bad habits. For them I again divide into billions of bodies and use numerous additional expedient means.
Those with keen roots will listen and immediately believe. Those with good rewards will respond to exhortation and strive to succeed. Those who are dark and dull will return only after being taught for a long time. Those whose karma is heavy fail to show any respect.
My division bodies take across and liberate all those different kinds of beings. I may appear in a male body. I may appear in a female body. I may appear in the body of a god or dragon. I may appear in the body of a spirit or ghost. I may appear as a mountain, as a forest, as a stream, as a spring, as a river, as a lake, as a fountain, or as a well in order to benefit people. I use all these ways to save beings.
I may appear in the body of God Shakra.
I may appear in the body of Lord Brahma.
I may appear in the body of a Wheel-Turning King.
I may appear in the body of a lay person.
I may appear in the body of a national leader.
I may appear in the body of a prime minister.
I may appear in the body of an official.
I may appear in the body of a Bhikshu, a Bhikshuni, an Upasaka, an Upasika, and so forth to my appearing in the body of a Sound-hearer, an Arhat, a Pratyekabuddha, or a Bodhisattva in order to teach and rescue beings.
It is not that I only appear to them in the body of a Buddha.
"Reflect on how I have toiled for repeated eons and endured acute suffering to take across and free stubborn beings who resist being taught and who continue to suffer for their offenses.
Those not yet subdued undergo retributions according to their karma. If they fall into the evil destinies and are enduring tremendous suffering, then you should remember the gravity of this entrustment I am now giving you here in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven:
Find ways to liberate all beings in the Saha world from now until the time when Maitreya comes into the world. Help them escape suffering forever, encounter Buddhas, and receive predictions."
At that time all the division bodies of Earth Store Bodhisattva that came from all those worlds merged into single form. Then he wept and said to the Buddha, "Throughout long eons I have been receiving the Buddha's guidance and from that have developed inconceivable spiritual power and great wisdom.
My division bodies fill worlds as many as grains of sand in billions of Ganges Rivers. In each of those worlds, I transform myself into billions of bodies. Each body takes across billions of people, helping them to return respectfully to the Triple Jewel, escape birth and death forever, and reach the bliss of Nirvana.
Even if their good deeds within the Buddhadharma amount to as little as a strand of hair, a drop of water, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust, I will gradually take them across, liberate them, and help them gain great benefit.
I only hope that the World Honored One will not be concerned about beings of the future who have bad karma. " In that way he addressed the Buddha three times: "I only hope that the World Honored One will not be concerned about beings of the future who have bad karma."
At that time the Buddha praised Earth Store Bodhisattva and said, "Excellent! Excellent! I will help you in this work you so willingly undertake. When the vast vows that you keep making throughout so many eons are fulfilled and all those beings have been saved, then I will certify your ultimate Bodhi."
CHAPTER 03: Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings
At that time the Buddha's mother. Lady Maya, placed her palms together respectfully and asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Great Sage, could you tell us about the different kinds of karma that beings of Jambudvipa create and the resulting retributions that they undergo?"
Earth Store replied, "There are millions of worlds and lands that may or may not have hells, may or may not have women, may or may not have Buddhadharma, and so forth to having or not having Sound-hearers and Pratyekabuddhas. Since the worlds differ, the retributions in the hells also differ."
Lady Maya spoke again to the Bodhisattva, "Could you please tell us about the offenses done by those in Jambudvipa that result in retributions in the evil destinies?"
Earth Store replied, "Worthy Mother, please listen as I speak briefly about that."
The Buddha's mother answered, "Great Sage, please tell us about it."
Then Earth Store Bodhisattva said to the Worthy Mother, "Retributions that result from offenses done in Jambudvipa are described like this.
"Beings who are not filial to their parents, even to the extent of harming or killing them, will fall into the Relentless Hell where for billions of eons they will seek escape in vain.
"Beings who shed the Buddha's blood, slander the Triple Jewel, and do not venerate Sutras will fall into the Relentless Hell where for billions of eons they will seek escape in vain.
"Beings who usurp or damage the property of the Eternally Dwelling, who defile Bhikshus or Bhikshunis, who commit sexual-acts within the Sangharama, or who kill or harm beings there will fall into the Relentless Hell where for billions of eons they will seek escape in vain.
"Beings who seem to be Shramanas but in their minds are not Shramanas, who destroy the things of the Eternally Dwelling, who deceive lay people, who go against the precepts, and who do many other evil deeds will fall into the Relentless Hell where for billions of eons they will seek escape in vain.
"Beings who steal the wealth and property of the Eternally Dwelling including its grains, its food and drink, its clothing, or take anything at all that was not given to them will fall into the Relentless Hell where for billions of eons they will seek escape in vain."
Earth Store continued, "Worthy Mother, beings who commit such offenses will fall into the Fivefold Relentless Hell where they will constantly seek for temporary relief from their suffering but will never receive even a moment's respite."
Lady Maya further asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Why is that hell called Relentless?"
Earth Store replied, "Worthy Mother, the hells are all within the Great Iron Ring Mountain.
The eighteen great hells and the five hundred subsequent ones each have their own names. There are hundreds of thousands more that also have their own names.
The Relentless Hell is found within a city of hells that encompasses more than eighty thousand square miles. That city is made entirely of iron. Ten thousand miles above the city is an unbroken mass of fire.
Within the city are many interconnected hells, each with a different name.
"There is just one hell called Relentless. Its circumference is eighteen thousand miles.
The wall of that hell is a thousand miles high, totally made iron, and covered with a fire burning downward that is joined by a fire burning upward.
Iron snakes and dogs spewing fire race back and forth atop that wall.
"In that hell is a bed that extends for ten thousand miles. One person undergoing punishment sees his or her own body filling the entire bed. When millions of people undergo punishment simultaneously, each still sees his or her own body filling the bed. That is how retributions are undergone by those with the same karma.
"What is more, these offenders undergo extreme suffering. Thousands of Yakshas and other evil ghosts display fangs like swords and eyes like lightning as they pull and drag the offenders using their brass-clawed hands.
Other Yakshas wield huge iron halberds that they use to pierce the offenders' mouths and noses or stab their bellies and backs. They toss the offenders into the air and then catch them by skewering them with the halberds or they let them drop onto the bed.
Iron eagles peck at the offenders' eyes and iron serpents wrap around their necks. Long nails are driven into all their limbs. Their tongues are pulled out, stretched, and then plowed through. Their internal organs are gouged out, sliced, and minced. Molten copper is poured into their mouths, and their bodies are bound with hot iron.
Responses to their karma go on like that throughout thousands of deaths and rebirths. They pass through millions of eons seeking escape in vain.
"When this world is destroyed, they find themselves in another world. When that world is destroyed, they pass to another one. When that world, too, is destroyed, they move on to another. When this world comes into being again, they return here.
The situation involving Relentless retribution for offenses is like that.
"Moreover, five karmic responses account for the name Relentless. What are the five?
First, it is said to be Relentless since punishment is undergone day and night throughout many eons without ceasing for a moment.
Second, it is said to be Relentless since one person fills it in the same way that many people fill it.
Third, it is said to be Relentless since repeated punishments continue without cease throughout years that stretch into nayutas of eons. Those punishments are inflicted by instruments of torture such as forks and clubs; or by eagles, serpents, wolves, and dogs; or by pounding, grinding, sawing, drilling, chiseling, cutting and chopping; or by boiling liquids, iron nets, iron ropes, iron asses, and iron horses; or by raw hide bound around one's head and hot iron poured over one's body; or by meals of iron pellets and drinks of iron fluids.
Fourth, it is said to be Relentless since everyone undergoes karmic responses based on the offenses they committed, whether they be men, women, savages, old, young, honorable, or lowly; whether they be dragons, spirits, gods or ghosts.
Fifth, it is said to be Relentless since offenders continually undergo ten thousand deaths and as many rebirths each day and night from the moment they first enter this hell and on through thousands of eons. During that time they seek even a moment's relief but it never happens. Only when their karma is finished can they attain rebirth."
Earth Store Bodhisattva said to the Worthy Mother, "That is a brief description of the Relentless Hell. If I were to speak extensively about the names of all the implements of punishment in the hells and all the sufferings there, I could not finish speaking in an entire eon."
After hearing that, Lady Maya placed her palms together sorrowfully, made obeisance, and withdrew.
CHAPTER 04: Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa
At that time Earth Store Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, because I receive the awesome spiritual strength of the Buddha, Thus Come One, I am able to divide my body and rescue beings who are undergoing karmic retributions everywhere in billions of worlds. If it were not for the great compassionate strength of the Thus Come One, I would be unable to perform such changes and transformations.
Now the World Honored One has entrusted me with rescuing and liberating beings in the Six Paths until Ajita becomes a Buddha. I accept the entrustment, World Honored One. Please have no further concern.
Then the Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Beings who have not yet obtained liberation have unfixed natures and consciousnesses.
Their bad habits reap karma; their good habits bring rewards. Reacting to situations by doing good or evil acts causes them to turn in the Five Paths without a moment's rest. Throughout eons as numerous as motes of dust they remain confused, deluded, obstructed, and afflicted by difficulties.
They are like fish swimming through waters laced with nets. They may slip through and keep their freedom temporarily, but sooner or later they will be caught. I am concerned about such beings.
But since you keep making extensive vows repeatedly throughout successive eons to take such offenders across, what further worries need I have?
After that was said, a Bodhisattva, Mahasattva in the assembly named Samadhi Self-Mastery King said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, what vows has Earth Store Bodhisattva made during so many successive eons that he now receives the World Honored One's special praise? We hope the World Honored One will tell us about that."
Then the World Honored One said to Samadhi Self-Mastery King, "Listen attentively, listen attentively, and reflect well on the examples I am about to give you.
One time, limitless Asamkhyeyas of nayutas of inexpressible eons ago, a Buddha named All-Knowledge-Accomplished Thus Come One, One Worthy of Offerings, One of Proper and Pervasive Knowledge, One Perfect in Clarity and Conduct, Well-Gone One, Unsurpassed Knight Who Understands the World, Taming and Subduing Hero, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, World Honored One appeared in the world.
"That Buddha's lifespan was sixty thousand eons.
Before he became a monk, he was the king of a small country and was friendly with the king of a neighboring country. Both of them practiced the Ten Wholesome Acts and benefited beings.
Because the citizens of those two neighboring countries did many bad things, the two kings made a plan using far-reaching expedients.
"One king vowed to quickly become a Buddha and then cross over absolutely all the others.
"The other king vowed, 'I do not want to become a Buddha until I first take across all those who are suffering for their offenses, enable them to gain peace, and finally to reach Bodhi.'"
The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Samadhi Self-Mastery King, "The king who vowed to become a Buddha quickly is All-Knowledge-Accomplished Thus Come One.
The king who vowed to keep crossing over beings who are suffering for their offenses rather than to become a Buddha is Earth Store Bodhisattva.
"Another time, limitless Asamkhyeya eons ago, a Buddha named Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One appeared in the world. His lifespan was forty eons.
In his Dharma-image age, an Arhat who had blessings from rescuing beings met a woman named Bright Eyes who offered a meal to him once while he was teaching and transforming beings.
"'What is your wish?' asked the Arhat.
"Bright Eyes replied, 'On the day of my mother's death I performed meritorious deeds for her rescue, but I do not know where my mother is now.'
"Sympathizing with her, the Arhat entered into samadhi to contemplate and saw that Bright Eyes' mother had fallen into a bad destiny where she was undergoing extreme suffering.
The Arhat asked, 'Bright Eyes, what karma did your mother commit while alive that makes her now have to undergo such terrible suffering in a bad destiny?'
"Bright Eyes replied, 'My mother enjoyed eating fish, turtles, and the like. She especially liked to fry or broil the eggs of fish and turtles. Every time she ate those she took thousands of lives. Oh, Venerable One, please be compassionate and tell me how she can be saved."
"The Arhat took pity on Bright Eyes and used a skillful means. He urged Bright Eyes, saying, 'With sincere resolve, be mindful of Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One and also make carved and painted images of him. By doing so both the living and the dead will be rewarded.'
"Bright Eyes heard that, quickly renounced everything she loved, and swiftly commissioned painted images of the Buddha. Then she made offerings before them. The reverence she felt moved her to tears and she wept in grief as she beheld and bowed to the Buddha.
Suddenly near the end of night in a dream she saw that Buddha's body, dazzling gold in color and as large as Mount Sumeru, emitting great light. He said to Bright Eyes, 'Your mother will be born in your household before long and as soon as that child can feel hunger and cold he will speak.'
"Shortly thereafter a maidservant in the house bore a son who spoke before he was three days' old. Lowering his head and weeping he said to Bright Eyes, 'The karmic conditions we create during our lives and deaths result in retributions that we ourselves must undergo.
I am your mother and have been in darkness for a long time. Since you and I parted, I have repeatedly fallen into the great hells. Upon receiving the power of your blessings, I have been reborn as a servant's child with a short lifespan. Thirteen years from now, I will fall into the Evil Paths again. Do you have some way to free me so that I can avoid them?'
"When Bright Eyes heard those words, she knew without a doubt that they were her mother's. Choked with sobs, she said to the servant's child, 'Since you were my mother, you should know your own past offenses. What karma did you create that made you fall into the Evil Paths?'
"The maidservant's child answered, 'I am undergoing retribution for two kinds of karma: killing and slandering. Had I not received the blessings you earned to rescue me from difficulty, I would not yet be released from that karma.'
"Bright Eyes asked, 'What happens in the hells when beings undergo retributions for their offenses?'
"The maidservant's son answered, 'I can't bear to speak of the ways in which beings suffer for their offenses. Even if I lived for a hundred thousand years, I would find it hard to talk about.'
"When Bright Eyes heard that she wept bitterly and spoke into the air saying, 'I vow that my mother will be released from the hells forever. At the end of these thirteen years, she will be finished with her heavy offenses and will not go back to the Evil Paths.
0 Buddhas of the Ten Directions, with your compassion and sympathy, please listen to the vast and mighty vow that I am making for the sake of my mother.
If my mother will never again enter the Three Evil Paths, never again be born into low stations, and never again be female, then here before the image of Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One, I vow that from this day on, throughout billions of eons I will respond to all beings who are undergoing suffering for their offenses in the hells or the Three Evil Paths of any world.
'I vow to rescue them from the bad destinies of the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, and the like. Only after beings with such retributions have all become Buddhas will I myself achieve Proper Enlightenment.'
"After making that vow, she clearly heard Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One say to her, 'Bright Eyes, your own great compassion and sympathy reaches your mother by this mighty vow that you are making.
My contemplation shows me that after thirteen years your mother will finish this retribution and will be born a Brahman with a lifespan of one hundred years. After that retribution she will be born in the Land of No Concern with a lifespan of uncountable eons. Later she will realize the fruition of Buddhahood and cross over people and gods numbering as many as sand grains in the Ganges.'"
Shakyamuni Buddha told Samadhi Self-Mastery King, "The Arhat whose blessings helped Bright Eyes then is now Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva. The mother of Bright Eyes is now Liberation Bodhisattva. Bright Eyes herself is now Earth Store Bodhisattva. He has been extending his compassion and sympathy like that from distant eons onward by making vows as many as Ganges's sands, to rescue vast numbers of beings.
"Men and women in the future may fail to do good deeds and only do evil; may not believe in cause and effect; may indulge in sexual misconduct and false speech; may use divisive and harsh speech; and may slander the Great Vehicle. Beings with karma like that should certainly fall into bad destinies.
But if they encounter Good and Wise Advisors who exhort them and lead them quickly to take refuge with Earth Store Bodhisattva, those beings will just as quickly be released from their retributions in the Three Evil Paths.
If those beings are resolved and respectful, if they behold, bow to, and praise the Bodhisattva, and if they make offerings of flowers, incense, clothing, jewels, food and drink to him, they will enjoy supremely wonderful bliss in the heavens for billions of eons.
When their blessings in the heavens end and they are born as people, they will have the potential to be leaders of nations throughout billions of eons who are able to remember all aspects of causes and effects from previous lives.
"0,Samadhi Self-Mastery King, Earth Store Bodhisattva has such inconceivably great awesome spiritual power that he uses expansively for the benefit of beings. All of you Bodhisattvas should remember this Sutra and proclaim and widely spread it."
Samadhi Self-Mastery King said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, please do not be concerned. We billions of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, based on the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength, will certainly proclaim this Sutra widely throughout Jambudvipa for the benefit of beings."
Having spoken thus to the World Honored One, Samadhi Self-Mastery King Bodhisattva put his palms together respectfully, bowed, and withdrew.
At that time the Four Heavenly Kings arose from their seats, put their palms together respectfully, and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva has been making such great vows from distant eons onward.
Why is it that up to now he has not yet finished taking beings across? Why does he continue to renew his vast and mighty vows? Please, World Honored One, explain that for us."
The Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, "Excellent, excellent. Now to bring benefit to you and to extend that benefit to people and gods of the present and future, I will speak about how Earth Store Bodhisattva uses his compassion and sympathy within the paths of birth and death in Jambudvipa in the Saha world to rescue, take across, and liberate beings who are undergoing suffering for their offenses.
The Four Heavenly Kings replied, "Please, World Honored One, we would like to hear about his work."
The Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, "From distant eons onward to the present. Earth Store Bodhisattva has been taking across and liberating beings. Since his vows are still not finished, he continues with compassion and sympathy to help beings suffering for their offenses in this world.
Moreover, he sees the ceaseless tangle of their causes extending on through infinite, future eons. Because of that he renews his vows. Thus, in this Saha world on the continent of Jambudvipa, this Bodhisattva teaches and transforms beings by means of billions of expedient means.
"Four Heavenly Kings, To killers, Earth Store Bodhisattva says that short lifespans will be the retribution.
To robbers he says that poverty and acute suffering will be the retribution.
To those who indulge in improper sex he says that rebirth as pigeons or mandarin drakes or ducks will be the retribution.
To those who use harsh speech he says that quarrelling families will be the retribution.
To those who slander he says that being tongueless and having cankerous mouths will be the retribution.
To the hateful he says that being ugly and crippled will be the retribution.
To the stingy he says that not getting what they seek will be the retribution.
To gluttons he says that hunger, thirst and sicknesses of the throat will be the retribution.
To hunters he says that a frightening insanity that destroys one's life will be the retribution.
To those who oppose their parents he says that being killed in natural disasters will be the retribution.
To arsons who burn mountains and forests he says that trying to take one's own life in the confusion of insanity will be the retribution.
To cruel parents or step-parents, he says that being flogged in future lives will be the retribution.
To those who net and trap animals, he says that being separated from one's own relatives will be the retribution.
To those who slander the Triple Jewel he says that being blind, deaf, or mute will be the retribution.
To those who slight the Dharma and regard the teachings with arrogance, he says that remaining in the bad paths forever will be the retribution.
To those who destroy or misuse possessions of the Eternally Dwelling he says that revolving in the hells for billions of eons will be the retribution.
To those who defile the pure conduct of others and bear false witness against members of the Sangha he says that remaining in the animal realm forever will be the retribution.
To those who scald, burn, behead, maim, or otherwise harm beings he says that undergoing repayment in kind will be the retribution. To those who violate precepts and the regulations of pure eating he says that being born as birds or beasts that must suffer hunger and thirst will be the retribution.
To those who make unprincipled and destructive use of things he says that being unable to ever obtain what they seek will be the retribution.
To the arrogant and haughty he says that being servile and of low station will be the retribution.
To those who use back-biting to cause discord among others he says that being tongueless or having speech impediments will be the retribution.
To those with deviant views he says that being reborn in undeveloped regions will be the retribution.
"The bad habits involving body, mouth, and mind karma that beings of Jambudvipa perpetuate, result in hundreds of thousands of retributions like those. I have listed only a few examples here.
Since the karma created by beings of Jambudvipa calls forth different responses, Earth Store Bodhisattva uses hundreds of thousands of expedient means to teach and transform them.
Those beings must first undergo retributions such as those and then fall into the hells, where they pass through eons without being able to escape. You should therefore protect people and protect nations. Do not allow the accumulation of karma to confuse beings."
On hearing that, the Four Heavenly Kings wept in sorrow, placed their palms together, and withdrew.
CHAPTER 05: Names of Hells
At that time Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, Mahasattva said to Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Humane One, for the sake of gods and dragons, those in the Fourfold Assembly, and all other beings of the present and future, please tell us the names of the hells where beings in the Saha world on the continent of Jambudvipa must suffer retributions for offenses they commit.
Please also describe what happens during retributions undergone for evil deeds so that beings in the future Dharma Ending Age will know what those retributions are."
Earth Store Bodhisattva replied, "Humane One, based on the awesome spiritual power of the Buddha and relying on your strength, Great Bodhisattva, I will give a general list of the names of hells and describe some of what happens during retributions undergone for offenses and evil deeds.
"Humane One, in Eastern Jambudvipa is mountain range called Iron Ring. The mountain is pitch black because the light of sun and moon do not shine on it. A great hell is located there named Ultimately Relentless. Another hell is called Great Avichi.
There is also a hell called Four Horns, a hell called Flying Knives, a hell called Fiery Arrows, a hell called Squeezing Mountains,
a hell called Piercing Spears, a hell called Iron Carts,
a hell called Iron Beds, a hell called Iron Oxen,
a hell called Iron Clothing, a hell called Thousand Blades,
a hell called Iron Asses, a hell called Molten Copper,
a hell called Embracing Pillar, a hell called Flowing Fire,
a hell called Plowing Tongues, a hell called Hacking Heads,
a hell called Burning Feet, a hell called Pecking Eyes,
a hell called Iron Pellets, a hell called Quarreling,
a hell called Iron Ax, and a hell called Massive Hatred."
Earth Store Bodhisattva said, "Humane One, within the Iron Ring are endless hells like that.
There is also the hell of Crying Out, the hell of Pulling Tongues,
the hell of Dung and Urine, the hell of Copper Locks,
the hell of Fire Elephants, the hell of Fire Dogs,
the hell of Fire Horses, the hell of Fire Oxen,
the hell of Fire Mountains, the hell of Fire Rocks,
the hell of Fire Beds, the hell of Fire Beams,
the hell of Fire Eagles, the hell of Sawing Teeth,
the hell of Flaying Skin, the hell of Drinking Blood,
the hell of Burning Hands, the hell of Burning Feet,
the hell of Hanging Hooks, the hell of Fire Rooms,
the hell of Iron Cells, and the hell of Fire Wolves.
"Each of those hells contains lesser hells numbering from one, or two, or three, or four, to hundreds of thousands. Each of those lesser hells has its own name."
Earth Store Bodhisattva told Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, "Humane One, such are the karmic responses of beings in Jambudvipa who commit evil deeds.
The power of karma is extremely great. It rivals Mount Sumeru in its heights. It surpasses the great oceans in its depth. It obstructs the path leading to Sagehood. For that reason, beings should never think that minor bad deeds are unimportant or assume that they do not count as offenses. After death there will be retributions to undergo that cover all those details.
Fathers and sons have the closest relationship, but their roads diverge and each must go his own way. Even if they met, neither would consent to undergo suffering in the other's place.
Now, based on the awesome spiritual power of the Buddha, I will describe some of the retributions for offenses that take place in the hells. Please, Humane One, listen for a moment to what I am going to say."
Universal Worthy replied, "I have long known of the retributions that happen in the Three Evil Paths. My hope in asking the Humane One to describe them is that when beings in the future Dharma Ending Age who are doing evil deeds hear the Humane One's descriptions they will be moved to take refuge with the Buddha."
Earth Store said, "Humane One, this is what happens during retributions in the hells. Offenders may go to a hell in which their tongues are stretched out and plowed through by cattle;
or to a hell in which their hearts pulled out and eaten by Yakshas;
or to a hell in which their bodies are cooked In cauldrons of boiling liquid;
or to a hell in which they are forced to embrace red-hot copper pillars;
or to a hell in which they are burned by fire that constantly pursues them;
or to a hell in which cold and Ice are all-pervasive;
or to a hell in which excrement and urine are endless;
or to a hell in which flying maces are unavoidable;
or to a hell in which fiery spears stab them repeatedly;
or to a hell in which they are constantly beaten on the chests and backs;
or to a hell in which their hands and feet are burned;
or to a hell in which they are bound by Iron snakes that coil around them;
or to a hell in which they are pursued by racing Iron dogs;
or to a hell in which their bodies are stretched by Iron mules.
"Humane One, to inflict these retributions in each hell hundreds of thousands of instruments made of copper, iron, stone, or fire arise from karmic force. Those four materials come into being in response to the kinds of karma offenders created.
If I were to explain in detail what happens during retributions in the hells, then I would need to tell of the hundreds of thousands of sufferings that must be undergone in each specific hell. How much more would that be the case for the sufferings in all the many hells!
Now, having based myself upon the awesome spiritual power of the Buddha, I have given a general answer to the Humane One's question, for if I were to speak in detail, it would take eons."
CHAPTER 06: The Thus Come One's Praises
At that time the World Honored One emitted a great bright light from his entire body, totally illuminating Buddhalands as many as grains of sand in billions of Ganges Rivers.
His strong voice reached to all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas in those Buddhalands, as well as to the gods, dragons, ghosts and spirits, humans, non-humans and others, saying, "Listen today, as I praise Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, who displays an inconceivable awesome spiritual strength and compassionate power throughout the Ten Directions as he rescues and protects beings when things happen to them as they suffer for offenses they have committed.
After I pass into Nirvana, all of you Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas and all of you gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, and others should use vast numbers of expedient means to protect this Sutra and to cause all beings to realize the bliss of Nirvana."
After that was said a Bodhisattva named Universally Expansive arose in the assembly, placed his palms together respectfully, and said to the Buddha, "We are now about to witness the World Honored One praise Earth Store Bodhisattva's inconceivably great awesome spiritual virtue.
We hope the World Honored One will also aid beings in the future Dharma Ending Age by telling us about how Earth Store Bodhisattva benefits people and gods and about the working out of cause and effect. That will help the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, along with beings of the future to receive the Buddha's teaching respectfully."
At that time the World Honored One said to the Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, to the Fourfold Assembly, and others, "Listen attentively, listen attentively. I will briefly describe to you how Earth Store Bodhisattva's virtuous deeds keep benefiting people and gods."
Universally Expansive replied, "Excellent, World Honored One. We are happy to listen."
The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, "If, in the future, good men or good women who, upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva's name, place their palms together, praise him, bow to him, or gaze in worship, they will overcome thirty eon's worth of offenses.
Universally Expansive, if good men or good women gaze upon and bow but once to painted or drawn images of the Bodhisattva or images made using clay, stone, lacquer, gold, silver, copper and iron, they will be reborn one hundred times in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three and will eternally avoid falling into the Evil Paths.
If their blessings in the heavens come to an end and they are born in the human realm, they will become national leaders who suffer no loss of benefits.
"There may be women who dislike having female bodies. Suppose they whole-heartedly make offerings to images of Earth Store Bodhisattva that are paintings or are made using clay, stone, lacquer, copper, iron, or other materials.
If they continually make such offerings day after day without fail, using flowers, incense, food, drink, clothing, colored silks, banners, money, jewels, and other items as offerings, when those good women finish their current female retributions, then throughout hundreds of thousands of eons they will never again be born in worlds where there are women, much less be one, unless it be through the strength of their compassionate vows to liberate beings.
Based on the strength of their offerings to Earth Store Bodhisattva and the power of their meritorious virtues, they will not be born into female bodies throughout hundreds of thousands of eons.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, women who are ugly or prone to sickness will dislike those problems. If they gaze at and bow to images of Earth Store Bodhisattva with sincere resolve for even just a few minutes, then throughout millions of eons, they will always be born with full and perfect features.
If those woman who are ugly do not dislike having female bodies, then throughout billions of lives they will always be born as women of royal lineage, or will marry into royalty, or will become daughters of prime ministers, prominent families, or great Elders.
They will be of upright birth and full-featured. They will receive such blessings from having sincerely beheld and worshipped Earth Store Bodhisattva.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, there may be good men or good women who are able to play music, sing, or chant praises, and make offerings of incense and flowers before images of the Bodhisattva or who are able to exhort one or more others to do likewise.
Now and in the future, such people will be surrounded day and night by hundreds of thousands of ghosts and spirits who will even prevent bad news from reaching their ears, much less allow them to be personally involved in any accidents.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future, evil people, evil spirits, or evil ghosts may see good men or good women taking refuge with, respectfully making offerings to, praising, beholding, and bowing to images of Earth Store Bodhisattva.
Those beings may make the mistake of ridiculing such acts of worship, saying that they are of no merit. They may sneer at those good people, condemn them behind their backs, or get a group or even one other person to have even as little as one thought of condemnation.
Such beings will fall into the Avichi Hell and the extreme misery they will undergo as retribution for their slander will not end even after the thousand Buddhas of the Worthy Eon have passed into tranquility.
Only after that eon will they be reborn among the hungry ghosts, where they will pass a thousand more eons before being reborn as animals. Only after another thousand eons will they obtain human bodies, but they will be poor and lowly with incomplete faculties, and their evil karma will cause them to suffer mental afflictions. Before long they will fall into the Evil Paths again.
Universally Expansive, such are the retributions that will undergo those who ridicule and slander others' acts of worship. How much worse will the retributions be if besides their slandering, they have other evils views.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future, men or women may be bedridden for years and in spite of their wishes be unable either to get well or to die. At night they may dream of evil ghosts, or of family and relatives, or of wandering on dangerous paths. In numerous nightmares they may roam with ghosts and spirits.
As days, months, and years go by, such people may weaken and waste away, cry out in pain in their sleep, and become progressively depressed and melancholy.
Those things happen when the force of karma has not yet been determined, which makes it difficult for them to die and impossible for them to be cured. The ordinary eyes of men and women cannot recognize such things.
"In that situation some people should recite this Sutra aloud once before images of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
They should also offer possessions which those sick people cherish, such as clothing, jewels, gardens, or houses. They should speak distinctly to the sick people saying, 'Now before this Sutra or these images, we are offering these items on behalf of these sick people.' They may offer sutras or images, or commission images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, or build stupas or monasteries, or light oil lamps, or give to the Eternally Dwelling.
They should tell the sick people three times about the offerings that are being made, informing them so they both hear and understand what is being done.
"If their consciousnesses are already scattered and their breathing has stopped, then for one, two, three, four, and on through seven days, others should continue to inform them clearly and to read this Sutra aloud.
When those people's lives end, they will gain liberation from all heavy and disastrous offenses they committed in previous lives, even offenses warranting Fivefold Relentless Retribution. They will be born in places where they will always know past lives.
How much greater will the karmic reward be if good men or good women can write out this Sutra themselves or commission others to do so. If they can carve or paint images themselves or commission others to do so, the benefits they receive will be great indeed!
"Therefore, Universally Expansive, if you see people reading and reciting this Sutra or even having a single thought of praise for it, or if you meet someone who reveres it, you should employ hundreds of thousands of expedients to exhort such people to be diligent and not retreat.
In both the present and the future they will be able to obtain billions of inconceivable meritorious virtues.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, beings in the future may, while dreaming or drowsy, see ghosts, spirits, and other forms that are either sad, weeping, or worried, fearful, or terrified.
Those are all fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, and relatives from one, ten, a hundred, or a thousand lives past who have not yet been able to leave the bad destinies.
They have no place from which to hope for the power of blessings to rescue them, and so they try to communicate with their closest descendants, hoping that those relatives will use some skillful means to help them get out of the Evil Paths.
"Universally Expansive, using your spiritual powers, exhort those descendants to recite this Sutra with sincere resolve before the images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas or to request others to recite it, either three or seven times.
When the Sutra has been read aloud the proper number of times, relatives in the Evil Paths will obtain liberation and never again be seen by those who are dreaming or drowsy.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, people of low station, and those who are slaves, or who are bonded, or who are deprived of their freedom in other ways may be aware of their past deeds and wish to repent of them and to reform.
If while beholding and bowing to Earth Store Bodhisattva's image with sincere resolve for seven days they are able to recite his name a full ten thousand times, then when their current retribution ends, those people will always be born into wealth and honor for thousands lives. How much the more will they avoid any of the sufferings of the Three Evil Paths.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future in Jambudvipa when the wives of Kshatriyas, Brahmans, Elders, Upasakas, and those of other names and clans are about to give birth to sons or daughters, the family members should recite this inconceivable Sutra and recite the Bodhisattva's name a full ten thousand times during the seven days before the birth of their children.
If those infants, whether male or female, were destined to undergone a terrible retribution for things done in past lives, they will be liberated from those retributions. They will be peaceful, happy, easily raised, and will have long lives.
If those children were due to receive blessings, then their peace and happiness will increase, as will their lifespans.
"Moreover, Universally Expansive, on the first, eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth days of the lunar month, the offenses of beings are tabulated and their gravity assessed.
"Every single movement or stirring of thought on the part of beings of Jambudvipa creates karma and offenses. How much more is that the case when they blatantly indulge in killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech and hundreds of thousands of other kinds of overt offenses.
"If they are able to recite this Sutra once on those ten vegetarian days, before the images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or worthy one and sages, then there will be no disasters for within a radius of one hundred yojanas.
The relatives of those who recite, both old and young, now and in the future, will be apart from the Evil Paths throughout hundreds of thousands of years.
If they can recite this sutra once on each of these ten vegetarian days, then there will be no accidents or illnesses in the family, and there will be food and clothing in abundance.
"Universally Expansive, you should know of the beneficial deeds done by Earth Store Bodhisattva as he makes use of his indescribably many billions of great awesome spiritual powers.
The beings of Jambudvipa have strong affinities with this Bodhisattva. If they hear the Bodhisattva's name, see the Bodhsattva's image, or hear but a few words, a verse, or sentence of this Sutra, then they will enjoy particularly wonderful peace and happiness in this present life.
Through hundreds of thousands of ten thousands of future lives, they will always be handsome or beautiful, and they will be born into honorable and wealthy families."
Having heard the Buddha, Thus Come One, praise Earth Store Bodhisattva in that way. Universally Expansive Bodhisattva knelt, placed his palms together, and again addressed the Buddha, saying, "World Honored One, I have long known that this Bodhisattva has both inconceivable spiritual powers and mighty vows. I have questioned the Thus Come One so that beings in the future will know of these benefits. I receive this answer most respectfully.
World Honored One, how should this Sutra be titled and how should we propagate it?"
The Buddha said to Universally Expansive, "This Sutra has three titles:
the first is The Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva;
it is also called Earth Store's Past Conduct; and
it is called Sutra of the Power of Earth Store's Past Vows.
Because this Bodhisattva repeatedly makes such great and mighty vows throughout long eons to benefit beings, you should all propagate this Sutra in accord with his vows."
After Universally Expansive had heard that, he placed his palms together respectfully, made obeisance, and withdrew.

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Chúng tôi khuyến khích việc ghi danh thành viên ,để thuận tiện trong việc chia sẻ thông tin, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm sống giữa các thành viên, đồng thời quý vị cũng sẽ nhận được sự hỗ trợ kỹ thuật từ Ban Quản Trị trong quá trình sử dụng website này.
Việc ghi danh là hoàn toàn miễn phí và tự nguyện.

Ghi danh hoặc đăng nhập