Ý dẫn đầu các pháp, ý làm chủ, ý tạo; nếu với ý ô nhiễm, nói lên hay hành động, khổ não bước theo sau, như xe, chân vật kéo.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 1)
Người cầu đạo ví như kẻ mặc áo bằng cỏ khô, khi lửa đến gần phải lo tránh. Người học đạo thấy sự tham dục phải lo tránh xa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Nếu người nói nhiều kinh, không hành trì, phóng dật; như kẻ chăn bò người, không phần Sa-môn hạnh.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 19)
Nhà lợp không kín ắt bị mưa dột. Tâm không thường tu tập ắt bị tham dục xâm chiếm.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 13)
Ai sống quán bất tịnh, khéo hộ trì các căn, ăn uống có tiết độ, có lòng tin, tinh cần, ma không uy hiếp được, như núi đá, trước gió.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 8)
Vui thay, chúng ta sống, Không hận, giữa hận thù! Giữa những người thù hận, Ta sống, không hận thù!Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 197)
Tinh cần giữa phóng dật, tỉnh thức giữa quần mê.Người trí như ngựa phi, bỏ sau con ngựa hèn.Kính Pháp Cú (Kệ số 29)
Với kẻ kiên trì thì không có gì là khó, như dòng nước chảy mãi cũng làm mòn tảng đá.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Kẻ hung dữ hại người cũng như ngửa mặt lên trời mà phun nước bọt. Nước bọt ấy chẳng lên đến trời, lại rơi xuống chính mình.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Giữ tâm thanh tịnh, ý chí vững bền thì có thể hiểu thấu lẽ đạo, như lau chùi tấm gương sạch hết dơ bẩn, tự nhiên được sáng trong.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
CHAPTER 07: Benefiting the Living and the Dead
At that time Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I see that every single movement or stirring of thought on the part of beings of Jambudvipa is an offense. Beings tend to use up the wholesome benefits they gain; many of them end up retreating from their initial resolve. If they encounter evil conditions, they augment them with every thought.
They are like people trying to carry heavy rocks while walking through mud. Each step becomes more difficult and the rocks more cumbersome as their feet sink deeper. If they meet a mentor, he may be strong enough to lighten or even totally remove their burdens. Helping them thus, the mentor will urge them to step on solid ground, pointing out that once they reach a level place they should remain aware of that bad path and never traverse it again.
"World Honored One, the bad habits of beings range from minor to major. Since all beings have such habits, their parents or relatives should create blessings for them when they are on the verge of dying in order to assist them on the road ahead.
That may be done by hanging banners and canopies; lighting oil lamps; reciting the sacred Sutras; making offerings before the images of Buddhas or sages.
Another way to assist them is by reciting the names of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Pratyekabuddhas so that the recitation of each name passes by the ear of the dying one and is heard in his fundamental consciousness.
"Suppose the evil karma created by beings were such that they should fall into the evil destinies. If their relatives cultivate wholesome causes on their behalf when they are close to death, then their manifold offenses can be dissolved.
If relatives can further do many good deeds during the first forty-nine days after the death of such beings, then the deceased can leave the evil destinies forever, be born as humans and gods, and receive supremely wonderful bliss. The surviving relatives will also receive limitless benefits.
"Therefore, before the Buddhas, World Honored Ones, as well as before the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, humans and non-humans, I now exhort beings of Jambudvipa to be careful to avoid harming, killing, and doing other unwholesome deeds; to refrain from worshipping ghosts and spirits or making sacrifices to them; and to never call on mountain sprites on the day of death.
Why is that?
"Killing, harming, and making sacrifices are not the least bit helpful to the deceased. Such acts only bind up the conditions of offenses so that they grow ever more deep and heavy.
The deceased might have been due to increase his potential for Sagehood or gain birth among humans or gods in his next life or in the future. But when his family commits offenses in his name, he will resent the disasters he inherits, and his good rebirth will be delayed.
How much more would that be the case for people on the verge of death who during their lives had planted few good roots. Each offender has to undergo the bad destinies according to his own karma. How could anyone bear to have relatives add to that karma?
"That would be like having a neighbor add a few more things to a load of over a hundred pounds being carried by someone who had already traveled a long distance and who had not eaten for three days. By adding that extra weight, that person's burden would become even more unbearable.
"World Honored One, I see that beings of Jambudvipa will themselves receive the benefit of any good deeds they are able to do within the Buddha's teaching. That holds true even when the deeds are as small as a strand of hair, a drop of water, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust."
After that had been said, an Elder named Great Eloquence arose in the assembly. He had long since realized Non-production and was only appearing in the body of an Elder to teach and transform those in the Ten Directions.
Placing his palms together respectfully, he asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Great Lord, after people in Jambudvipa die and their close and distant relatives generate merit by making meal offerings and doing other such good deeds, will the deceased obtain merit and virtue significant enough to bring about their liberation?
Earth Store replied, "Elder, based on the awesome power of the Buddhas, I will now proclaim this principle for the sake of beings of the present and future.
Elder, if beings of the present and future when on the verge of dying hear the name of one Buddha, one Bodhisattva, or one Pratyekabuddha, they will attain liberation whether they have offenses or not.
"When men or women laden with offenses who failed to plant good causes die, even they can receive one-seventh of any merit dedicated to them by relatives who do good deeds on their behalf. The other six-sevenths of the merit will return to the living relatives who did the good deeds.
It follows that men and women of the present and future who cultivate while they are strong and healthy will receive every portion of the benefit derived."
"The arrival of the Great Ghost of Impermanence is so unexpected that the deceased ones' consciousnesses first roam in darkness and obscurity, unaware of offenses and blessings.
For forty-nine days they are as if deluded or deaf, or as if in courts where their karmic retributions are being decided. Once judgment is fixed, rebirths are undergone according to their karma.
In the time before rebirths are determined, the deceased suffer thousands of myriads of concerns. How much more is that the case for those who are to fall into the bad destinies.
"Throughout forty-nine days those whose lives have ended and who have not yet been reborn will be hoping every moment that their immediate relatives will earn blessings powerful enough to rescue them.
At the end of that time the deceased will undergo retribution according to their karma. If someone is an offender, he may pass through hundreds of thousands of years without even a day's liberation.
If someone's offenses deserve Fivefold Relentless Retribution, he will fall into the great hells and undergo incessant suffering throughout hundreds of thousands of eons."
"Moreover, Elder, when beings who have committed karmic offenses die, their relatives may prepare vegetarian offerings to aid them on their karmic paths.
In the process of preparing the vegetarian meal and before it has been eaten, rice-washing water and vegetable leaves should not be thrown on the ground. Before the food is offered to the Buddhas and Sangha no one should eat it.
If there is laxness or transgression in this matter, then the deceased will receive no strength from it.
If purity is vigorously maintained in making the offering to the Buddhas and Sangha, the deceased will receive one-seventh of the merit.
Therefore, Elder, by performing vegetarian offerings on behalf of deceased fathers, mothers, and other relatives while making earnest supplication on their behalf, beings of Jambudvipa benefit both the living and the dead."
After that was said, hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of ghosts and spirits of Jambudvipa who were in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven, made the unlimited resolve to attain Bodhi.
The Elder Great Eloquence made obeisance and withdrew. CHAPTER 08: Praises of King Yama and His Followers
At that time from within the Iron Ring Mountain, Lord Yama and his following of infinite ghost kings came before the Buddha in the Trayastrimsha Heaven. They were
the Ghost King Evil Poison, the Ghost King Many Evils,
the Ghost King Great Argument, the Ghost King White Tiger,
the Ghost King Blood Tiger, the Ghost King Crimson Tiger,
the Ghost King Spreading Disaster, the Ghost King Flying Body,
the Ghost King Lightning Flash, the Ghost King Wolf Tooth,
the Ghost King Thousand Eyes, the Ghost King Animal Eater,
the Ghost King Rock Bearer, the Ghost King Lord of Bad News,
the Ghost King Lord of Calamities, the Ghost King Lord of Food,
the Ghost King Lord of Wealth, the Ghost King Lord of Domestic Animals,
the Ghost King Lord of Birds, the Ghost King Lord of Beasts,
the Ghost King Lord of Mountain Sprites, the Ghost King Lord of Birth,
the Ghost King Lord of Life, the Ghost King Lord of Sickness,
the Ghost King Lord of Danger, the Ghost King Three Eyes,
the Ghost King Four Eyes, the Ghost King Five Eyes,
the Ch'i Li Shih King, the Great Ch'i Li Shih King,
the Ch'i Li Ch'a King, the Great Ch'i Li Ch'a King,
the No Ch'a King, the Great No Ch'a King,
and other such great ghost kings.
With them were hundreds of thousands of minor ghost kings who dwelt throughout Jambudvipa; each presiding over certain jurisdictions.
Aided by the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength and the power of Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva all these ghost kings joined Lord Yama in the Trayastrimsha Heaven and together they stood to one side.
Then Lord Yama knelt down, placed his palms together, and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, aided by the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength and the power of Earth Store Bodhisattva, I have been able to come to this great assembly in the Trayastrimsha Heaven, with all these ghost kings and, to our benefit, join in together.
There is now a small doubt that I should like to express, and we hope the World Honored One will be compassionate and resolve it."
The Buddha told Lord Yama, "I will answer whatever you want to ask."
At that time Lord Yama looked respectfully at the World Honored One, made obeisance, turned his head to acknowledge Earth Store Bodhisattva, and then said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I observe that Earth Store Bodhisattva uses hundreds of thousands of expedient means to take across beings who are suffering for their offenses within the Six Paths of rebirth. I see that he does so unstintingly, without the least fatigue.
Although this Great Bodhisattva uses his inconceivable spiritual penetrations to do such deeds, it doesn't take long for the beings whom he has helped in gaining release from retributions to fall again into the bad paths.
"World Honored One, since Earth Store Bodhisattva has such great inconceivable spiritual power, why are beings not able to rely on it, to stay in the good paths, and to be freed once and for all?
Please, World Honored One, explain that for us."
The Buddha told Lord Yama, "The beings of Jambudvipa have stubborn and obstinate natures, difficult to tame, difficult to subdue.
This Great Bodhisattva continually rescues such beings throughout hundreds of thousands of eons and causes them to obtain liberation quickly.
For those beings undergoing retributions even in the worst destinies, the Bodhisattva applies the strength of expedients to extricate them from their own basic karmic conditions and lead them to understand the events of their past lives.
But because beings of Jambudvipa are so bound by their own heavy bad habits, they keep revolving in and out of the various paths over and over as this Bodhisattva labors throughout many long eons to entirely effect their rescue and release.
"They are like people who in confusion, lost their way home and took a bad road by mistake. On that treacherous road were many Yakshas, tigers, wolves, lions, serpents, and vipers.
Those confused people were sure to be harmed in an instant on that dangerous path.
But then they met a knowledgeable guide, skilled in neutralizing all harm, including the toxins of the Yakshas and others.
The mentor began to guide the travelers off that road and told them, 'Beware, everyone! What business brought you onto this road? What kinds of special skills do you have to avoid all that harm?'
Hearing that, the confused travelers realized they were on a dangerous path and turned back, attempting to escape.
"The kind guide then told them to join hands, led them off the dangerous path, and helped them avoid the deadly peril. When they reached a safe path, the travelers grew happy and at peace.
Their mentor then said to them. 'Take care, confused ones, never to go back into that road again. Once on it, it is hard to get off; it can destroy a person's very nature and life.'
The travelers who had been confused expressed their deep gratitude and as they were about to part the mentor said to them, 'If you see any other travelers, whether you know them personally or not, be they men or women, tell them that the poisons and evils on that path could harm their natures and lives. Do not allow them to unwittingly bring about their own deaths.'
In the same way, Earth Store Bodhisattva, replete with great compassion, rescues beings who are suffering for their offenses and enables them to be born among humans and gods where they enjoy wonderful bliss.
"Once those offenders obtain release from the suffering they experienced in the paths where their karma took them, they should never go down those roads again.
They are like the lost people who mistakenly took a wrong road and were lead off it by a kind mentor. They now know to never take that road again.
Moreover, they exhort others not to enter that road by saying, 'We took that road ourselves when we got confused, but we escaped and now we know better than to ever enter that road again. If we were to set foot on it again, we would get confused and be unable to recognize it as the dangerous path we descended into before. That being the case, we might lose our lives.'
The same holds true for falling into the bad destinies. Due to the powerful expedient means of Earth Store Bodhisattva, beings can be freed and can gain rebirth as humans or gods.
If they were to then turn around and enter into the bad destinies again, then those with heavy karmic bonds might remain in the hells forever with no chance of escape."
At that time the Ghost King Evil Poison placed his palms together respectfully, addressed the Buddha, and said, "World Honored One, each of us countless ghost kings of Jambudvipa bestows benefit or inflicts harm on beings differently. But our karmic retributions are such that we and our followers roam in the world doing much evil and little good.
When we pass a household, a city, a town, a garden, a cottage or a hut where there are men or women who have cultivated as little as a hair's worth of good deeds, who have hung but one banner or one canopy, who have used a little incense or a few flowers as offerings to images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, or who have recited the sacred Sutras or burned incense as an offering to even one sentence or gatha in them, we ghost kings will respect such people as we would the Buddhas of the past, present, and future.
We will instruct the smaller ghosts, each of whom has great power, as well as the earth spirits, to protect such people. Bad situations, accidents, severe or unexpected illnesses, and all other unwelcome events will not even come near their residences or other places they may be, much less enter the door."
The Buddha praised the ghost kings, "Excellent, excellent, that all of you ghost kings join Lord Yama in protecting good men and women in that way. I shall tell Lord Brahma and Lord Shakra to see that you are protected as well."
When that was said, a ghost king in the assembly named Lord of Life said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, my karmic conditions are such that I have jurisdiction over the lifespans of people in Jambudvipa, governing both the time of their births and their deaths.
My fundamental vows are based on a great desire to benefit them, but people do not understand my intent and go through birth and death in distress. Why is that?
"When women in Jambudvipa have just borne children, be they boys or girls, or when they are just about to give birth, good deeds should be done to increase the benefits of the household, thus causing the local earth spirits to be immeasurably pleased. The spirits will then protect the mother and child so that they experience peace and happiness; they will bring benefit to the entire family.
After the birth, all killing for the purpose of offering fresh meat to the mother should be carefully avoided, as should parties that involve consumption of alcohol, eating of meat, singing, and playing musical instruments. All those things can keep the mother and child from being peaceful and happy. Why is that?
At the difficult time of birth, uncountable evil ghosts, including mountain sprites, goblins, and spirit-beings, desire to eat the strong-smelling blood. I quickly order the local earth spirits of that household to protect the mother and child, allowing them to be peaceful and happy and to receive other benefits.
When people in such households witness those benefits, they should do meritorious deeds to express their gratitude to the earth spirits. If instead, they harm and kill, and have big parties involving feasting and entertainment, then the retributions that result from such offenses will be born by they themselves and will bring harm to the mother and child as well.
"Moreover, when people of Jambudvipa are on the verge of death, I wish to keep them from falling into the Evil Paths, regardless of whether they have done good or evil.
But how much is this power of mine to help them increased when they have personally cultivated good roots!
When those who do good in Jambudvipa are about to die, hundreds of thousands of ghosts and spirits from the Evil Paths transform themselves and appear as the parents or other relatives in an attempt to lead such people to fall into the Evil Paths.
How much more is that the case for those who have done evil deeds!
"World Honored One, when men or women in Jambudvipa are on the verge of death, their consciousnesses and spirits become confused and dark. They are unable to discriminate between good and evil, and their eyes and ears are unable to see or hear.
That is why relatives of those deceased should make generous offerings, recite the sacred Sutras, and recite the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Such good conditions can cause the deceased to leave the Evil Paths, and all the demons, ghosts, and spirits will withdraw and disperse.
"World Honored One, if at the time of death beings of any kind have an opportunity to hear the name of one Buddha or Bodhisattva or to hear a sentence or gatha of a Mahayana Sutra, I observe that such beings can quickly be freed from the pull of their accumulated minor bad deeds that would otherwise send them to the bad paths.
The exception to that is crimes involving killing that warrant Fivefold Relentless Retribution."
The Buddha told the Ghost King Lord of Life, "Because of your great compassion, you are able to make such great vows and protect all beings in the midst of life and death.
When men or women in the future undergo birth and death, do not withdraw from your vow, but liberate them all so they gain eternal peace."
The ghost king told the Buddha, "Please do not be concerned. Until the end of my life I shall in every thought protect beings of Jambudvipa both at the time of birth and at the time of death, so that they all gain tranquility. I only wish that at the time of birth and of death they will believe what I say, so that they all can be liberated and gain many benefits."
At that time the Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "This great Ghost King Lord of Life has already passed through hundreds of thousands of lives as a ghost king, protecting beings during both birth and death. Only because of this Great Being's compassionate vows does he appear in the body of a ghost, for in reality he is not a ghost.
After one hundred seventy eons have passed, he will become a Buddha named No Appearance Thus Come One. His eon will be called Happiness, and his world will be named Pure Dwelling. That Buddha's lifespan will be incalculable eons.
Earth Store, the circumstances surrounding this great ghost king are thus. They are inconceivable, and the people and gods whom he takes across are countless." CHAPTER 09: The Names of Buddhas
At that time, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I want to discuss some practices that will be helpful to beings of the future and will enable them to gain great benefit throughout their lives and deaths. World Honored One, please hear my words."
The Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Now with your expansive compassion you wish to discuss the inconceivable events involved in rescuing all those in the Six Paths who are suffering for their offenses. This is the right time. Speak now, since my Nirvana is near, so that I may soon help you complete your vows. Then I too will have no need to be concerned about beings of the present or future."
Earth Store Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, countless Asamkhyeya eons ago a Buddha named Boundless Body Thus Come One appeared in the world.
If men or women hear this Buddha's name and have a momentary thought of respect, those people will overstep the heavy offenses involved in birth and death for forty eons. How much more will that be the case for those who sculpt or paint this Buddha's image or praise and make offerings to him. The merit they obtain will be limitless and unbounded.
"Furthermore, in the past as many eons ago as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River, a Buddha named Jewel Nature Thus Come One appeared in the world.
If men or women hear this Buddha's name and instantly decide to take refuge, those people will never retreat from the Unsurpassed Path.
"Furthermore, in the past a Buddha named Padma Supreme Thus Come One appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name or if the sound of the name merely passes into their ears, those people will be reborn one thousand times in the Six Desire Heavens. How much more will that be the case if those people sincerely recite the name of that Thus Come One.
"Furthermore, in the past inexpressibly ineffable Asamkhyeya eons ago, a Buddha named Lion's Roar Thus Come One appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name and in a single thought take refuge, those people will encounter numberless Buddhas who will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions of enlightenment upon them.
"Furthermore, in the past a Buddha named Krakucchanda appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name and sincerely behold, worship, or praise him, those people will become Great Brahma Heaven kings in the assemblies of the thousand Buddhas of the Worthy Eon and will there receive superior predictions.
"Furthermore, in the past a Buddha named Vipashin appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name, those people will eternally avoid falling into the Evil Paths, will always be born among people or gods, and will abide in supremely wonderful bliss.
"Furthermore, in the past as many eons ago as there are grains of sand in limitless and countless Ganges Rivers, a Buddha named Jewel Supreme appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name, those people will never fall into the Evil Paths and will always abide in the heavens experiencing supremely wonderful bliss.
"Furthermore, in the past a Buddha named Jeweled Appearance Thus Come One appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name and give rise to a thought of respect, those people will soon attain the fruitions of Arhatship.
"Furthermore, limitless Asamkhyeya eons ago, a Buddha named Kashaya Banner Thus Come One appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name, those people will overcome the offenses of birth and death for one hundred great eons.
"Furthermore, in the past a Buddha named Great Penetration Mountain King Thus Come One appeared in the world. If men or women hear this Buddha's name, those people will encounter as many Buddhas as there are grains of sand in the Ganges, who will speak Dharma extensively for them, making certain that they realize Bodhi.
"Furthermore, in the past there were Buddhas named Pure Moon Buddha, Mountain King Buddha, Wise Victory Buddha, Pure Name King Buddha, Accomplished Wisdom Buddha, Unsurpassed Buddha, Wonderful Sound Buddha, Full Moon Buddha,
Moon-Face Buddha, and indescribably many other Buddhas.
"World Honored One, beings of the present and future, both gods and humans, both male and female, can amass such limitless merit and virtue by reciting only one Buddha's name. How much more merit will they amass by reciting many names.
Those beings will personally obtain benefits in their lives and deaths significant enough to keep them from ever falling into the Evil Paths.
"When people are on the verge of dying, a group of their relatives, or even just one of them, should recite Buddhas' names aloud for the people who are sick. By doing so, the karmic retributions of those people who are about to die will be dissolved, even offenses deserving Fivefold Relentless Retribution.
Offenses warranting Fivefold Relentless Retribution are so extremely heavy that those who commit them should not escape retribution for millions of eons. If, however, at the time of such offenders' deaths, someone recites the names of Buddhas on their behalf, then their offenses can gradually be dissolved.
How much more will that be the case for beings who recited those names themselves. The merit they attain will be limitless and will eradicate measureless offenses." CHAPTER 10: The Conditions and Comparative Merits and Virtues of Giving
At that time. Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, based on the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength, arose from his seat, knelt on one knee, placed his palms together and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I have observed beings within the paths of karma and compared their acts of giving. Some do a little and some do a lot. Some receive blessings for one life, some for ten lives, and some receive great blessings and benefits for hundreds or thousands of lives. Why is that? Please, World Honored One, explain that for us."
At that time the Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "Here in this assembly in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven, I will now discuss the comparative merit and virtue derived from acts of giving done by the beings in Jambudvipa. Listen attentively to what I say."
Earth Store said to the Buddha, "I have wondered about this matter and will be pleased to listen."
The Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "In Jambudvipa, leaders of nations, prime ministers, high officials, great Elders, great Ksatriyas, great Brahmans, and others may encounter those who are poor, hunchbacked, crippled, dumb, mute, deaf, retarded, blind or handicapped in other ways.
Those leaders and good people may wish to give to those people and may be able to do so with great compassion, a humble heart, and a smile. They may arrange to give generously, either personally with their own hands, or by arranging for others to do so, using gentle words and sympathetic speech.
The blessings and benefits that such leaders and good people will accrue will be comparable to the meritorious virtues derived from giving to as many Buddhas as there are grains of sand in a hundred Ganges Rivers. Why is that?
Those leaders and good people will receive such rewards of blessings and benefits for having shown a great compassionate heart toward the most impoverished and handicapped individuals.
Throughout hundreds of thousands of lives to come they will always have an abundance of the seven gems, not to mention clothing, food, and the necessities of life.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future the leaders of nations, Brahmans, and others may encounter Buddhist stupas, monasteries, or images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Sound-hearers, or Pratyekabuddhas and personally make offerings or give gifts to them.
From doing that, those leaders and good people will serve as Lord Shakra for a duration of three eons, enjoying supremely wonderful bliss.
If they are able to transfer the blessings and benefits of that giving and dedicate it to the Dharma Realm, then those leaders of nations and good people will reign as great Brahma Heaven kings for ten eons.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future leaders of nations, Brahmans, and others may, upon encountering ancient Buddhist stupas and monasteries or sutras and images that are damaged, decaying, or broken, resolve to restore them.
Those leaders and good people may then do so themselves or encourage others, as many as hundreds of thousands of people to help and thereby establish affinities.
Those leaders and good people will become Wheel-Turning Kings for hundreds of thousands of successive lives and those who made offerings with them will be leaders of small nations for as many lives.
If, before the stupas or monasteries, they resolve to dedicate that merit, then, based on that limitless and unbounded reward, those leaders, good people, and their helpers will eventually all complete the path to Buddhahood.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future, leaders of nations, Brahmans, and others may have compassionate thoughts upon seeing the old, the sick, or women in child birth, and may provide them with medicinal herbs, food, drink, and bedding so as to make them peaceful and comfortable.
The blessings and benefits derived from doing that are quite inconceivable. For one hundred eons they will always be lords of the Pure Dwelling Heavens, for two hundred eons they will be lords in the Six Desire Heavens, and they will ultimately attain Buddhahood. They will never fall into the Evil Paths, and for hundreds of thousands of lives they will hear no sounds of suffering.
"Moreover, Earth Store, if in the future, leaders of nations, Brahmans, and others can give in that way, they will receive limitless blessings.
"If they are in addition, able to dedicate that merit, be it great or small, they will ultimately attain Buddhahood. How much more easily will they be able to attain the rewards of becoming Shakra, Brahma, or a Wheel-Turning King.
Therefore, Earth Store, you should urge beings everywhere to learn to give in those ways.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future if good men or good women only manage to plant a few good roots within the Buddhadharma, equivalent to no more than a strand of hair, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust, they will receive incomparable blessings and benefits.
"Moreover, Earth Store, good men or women in the future may, upon encountering images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, or Wheel-Turning Kings, give gifts or make offerings to them.
Such persons will attain limitless blessings and will always enjoy supremely wonderful bliss among people and gods.
If they can dedicate that merit to the Dharma Realm, their blessings and benefits will be beyond compare.
"Moreover, Earth Store, good men or good women in the future may, upon encountering Great Vehicle sutras or upon hearing but a single gatha or a sentence, be inspired to praise, venerate, give gifts, and make offerings to them.
Those people will attain great limitless and unbounded rewards. If they can dedicate that merit to the Dharma Realm, their blessings will be beyond compare.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future, good men or good women may, upon encountering new Buddhist stupas, monasteries, or sutras of the Great Vehicle, give gifts and make offerings to them, gaze at them in worship, and respectfully make praises with joined palms.
They may, upon encountering old ones or those that have been destroyed or damaged, either do the repairing or rebuilding themselves or encourage others to help them.
Those who help will become leaders of small nations throughout thirty successive lives. The donors themselves will always be Wheel-Turning Kings who will use the good Dharma to teach and transform those leaders of small nations.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future, good men or good women may plant good roots in the Buddhadharma by giving, making offerings, repairing stupas or monasteries, rebinding sutras, or doing other good deeds amounting to no more than a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water. Merely by transferring the merit from such deeds to the Dharma Realm, those people's meritorious virtues will enable them to enjoy superior and wonderful bliss for hundreds of thousands of lives.
If they dedicate the merit only to their immediate or extended families or to their own personal benefit, then the rewards received will be only three lives of happiness. By giving up one, a ten-thousandfold reward is obtained.
"So it is. Earth Store. The circumstances involved in the causes and conditions of giving are like that." CHAPTER 11: The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit
At that time the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable spoke to the Buddha and said, "World Honored One, from long ago I have personally beheld and bowed to limitless numbers of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas. All of them have inconceivable and great spiritual penetrations and wisdom that they use in taking vast numbers of beings across. Among all the Bodhisattvas, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva has the deepest and most weighty vows.
"World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva has great affinities in Jambudvipa. Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteshvara, and Maitreya, also produce by transformation, hundreds of thousands of bodies to take across those in the Six Paths, but their vows have an end.
Earth Store Bodhisattva has made these vows to teach and transform beings in the Six Paths throughout eons as many as the number of sand grains in hundreds of thousands of millions of Ganges Rivers.
"World Honored One, as I regard beings of the present and future, I see those who make shrines of clay, stone, bamboo, or wood and set them on pure ground in the southern part of their dwellings. They place within the shrines images of Earth Store Bodhisattva, either sculpted, painted, or made of gold, silver, copper, or iron. They then light incense, make offerings, behold, worship, and praise him.
By doing those things, such people will receive ten kinds of benefits.
"What are those ten?
First, their lands will be fertile.
Second, their families and homes will always be peaceful.
Third, their ancestors will be born in the heavens.
Fourth, those of the current generation will enjoy benefits and long lives.
Fifth, they will easily obtain what they want.
Sixth, they will not encounter disasters of water and fire.
Seventh, they will avoid unforeseen calamities.
Eighth, they will never have nightmares.
Ninth, they will be protected by spirits in their daily comings and goings.
Tenth, they will encounter many causes that pertain to Sagehood.
World Honored One, beings of the present and future who make offerings in their homes in the prescribed manner will attain benefits like those."
He further said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, good men or good women in the future may keep this Sutra and an image of the Bodhisattva where they live. Further, they may recite the Sutra and make offerings to the Bodhisattva.
For those who do that, I shall constantly use my own spiritual powers to guard and protect them day and night so that nothing bad happens to them, including floods, fire, robbery and theft, major disasters, and minor accidents."
The Buddha told the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable, "There are few spirits who can match your great spiritual power. Why do I say that?
"All the lands in Jambudvipa receive your protection. All the grasses, woods, sands, stones, paddy fields, hemp, bamboo, reeds, grains, rice, and gems come forth from the earth because of your power.
Moreover, your constant praising of the beneficial deeds of Earth Store Bodhisattva makes your meritorious virtues and spiritual penetrations hundreds of thousands of times those of ordinary earth spirits.
"If good men or good women in the future make offerings to this Bodhisattva, or recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva and rely upon even a single aspect of it in their cultivation, you should use your own spiritual powers to protect them. Do not allow any disasters or unwelcome events even to be heard, much less undergone, by them.
Not only will those people be protected by you, they will also be protected by the followers of Shakra, Brahma, and other gods. Why will they receive protection from sages and worthies such as those?
It will be due to their having beheld and worshipped an image of Earth Store Bodhisattva and from having recited this Sutra of his past vows. Such people will quite naturally be able to leave the sea of suffering and ultimately be certified to the bliss of Nirvana. For those reasons they receive great protection." CHAPTER 12: Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing
At that time the World Honored One emitted hundreds of thousands of millions of great rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head. They were
the White Ray, the Great White Ray,
the Auspicious Ray, the Great Auspicious Ray,
the Jade Ray, the Great Jade Ray,
the Purple Ray, the Great Purple Ray,
the Blue Ray, the Great Blue Ray,
the Azure Ray, the Great Azure Ray,
the Red Ray, the Great Red Ray,
the Green Ray, the Great Green Ray,
the Gold Ray, the Great Gold Ray,
the Celebration Cloud Ray, the Great Celebration Cloud Ray,
the Thousand-wheeled Ray, the Great Thousand-wheeled Ray,
the Jeweled Wheel Ray, the Great Jeweled Wheel Ray,
the Solar Disc Ray, the Great Solar Disc Ray,
the Lunar Disc Ray, the Great Lunar Disc Ray,
the Palace Ray, the Great Palace Ray,
the Ocean Cloud Ray, and the Great Ocean Cloud Ray.
After emitting such rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head, he spoke in subtle and wonderful sounds to the great assembly of gods, dragons, the rest of the Eightfold Division, humans, non-humans and others, "Hear me today in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven as I praise Earth Store Bodhisattva, telling of his beneficial deeds, of inconceivable events, of the matter of his transcendence to Sagehood, of the circumstances of his certification to the Tenth Ground, and of the situation leading to his being irreversible from Anuttarasamyaksambodhi."
As that was said, a Bodhisattva, Mahasattva named Contemplator of the World's Sounds arose from his seat in the assembly, knelt on one knee, and with palms together said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva is replete with great compassion and pities beings who are suffering for their offenses.
In thousands of millions of worlds he creates thousands of millions of transformation bodies through the strength of his meritorious virtues and inconceivable awesome spiritual strength.
I have heard the World Honored One and the numberless of Buddhas of the Ten Directions praise Earth Store Bodhisattva with different mouths but in unison, saying that even if all the Buddhas of the past, present, and future were to speak of his meritorious qualities, they could never finish describing them.
Upon hearing the World Honored One tell the great assembly that he now wants to praise Earth Store Bodhisattva's beneficial deeds and so forth, I am beseeching the World Honored One to praise the inconceivable events pertaining to Earth Store Bodhisattva for the sake of beings of the present and future and to cause the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division to gaze in worship and attain blessings."
The Buddha replied to the Bodhisattva Contemplator of the World's Sounds, "You have great affinity with the Saha World. If gods, dragons, men, women, spirits, ghosts, or any other beings who are suffering for offenses within the Six Paths hear your name, see your image, behold you, or praise you, they will definitely become irreversible on the Unsurpassed Way.
They will always be born among people and gods and there experience wonderful bliss. When the effects of their causes come to maturity, they will encounter Buddhas who will give them predictions.
You now are replete with great compassion and pity for beings, for gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division. Listen as I discuss events involving the inconceivable benefits bestowed by Earth Store Bodhisattva. Listen attentively, I will describe them for you."
The Contemplator of the World's Sounds said, "So be it. World Honored One, I will be pleased to hear."
The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Contemplator of the World's Sounds, "In worlds of the present and future, gods whose heavenly blessings are ending may be manifesting the Five Signs of Decay, indications that they may be about to fall into Evil Paths.
When those signs appear, if those gods, whether male or female, see Earth Store Bodhisattva's image or hear his name and gaze at him or bow once to him, their heavenly blessings will thereby increase. They will experience great happiness and will never have to undergo retributions in the Three Evil Paths.
How much more will that be the case for those who upon seeing and hearing the Bodhisattva use incense, flowers, clothing, food, drink, jewels, and necklaces as gifts and offerings to him. The meritorious virtues, blessings, and benefits they gain will be limitless and unbounded.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds, in the worlds in the present and future, when beings in the Six Paths are on the verge of death, if they can hear the name of Earth Store Bodhisattva, even the sound of it passing through their ears only once, such beings will never have to endure the sufferings of the Three Evil Paths again.
"How much more will that be the case if the parents and other relatives use the houses, wealth, property, jewels, and clothing of such people who are on the verge of death to commission the carving or painting of images of Earth Store Bodhisattva.
"If those sick people have not yet died, their relatives can try to help them see, hear, and understand that their houses, jewels, and so forth have been used for the carving or painting of images of Earth Store Bodhisattva.
If those people's karmic retributions were such that they should have to undergo severe sickness, then with such merit they can quickly be cured and their lifespans prolonged.
If those people's retributions send them to the evil destinies at death due to their karma and obstacles, then with such merit they can, when their lives end, be born among people or gods and there enjoy extremely wonderful bliss. All their obstacles due to offenses will dissolve.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future men or women may have lost their fathers, mothers, brothers, or sisters while still an infant or as a child of three, or five, or under ten years of age.
As adults, such people may think about those parents and other relatives, not knowing into what paths or worlds or heavens they have been born.
Suppose such people are able to sculpt or paint images of Earth Store Bodhisattva or to gaze upon and worship him once or for one through seven days without retreating. Upon hearing his name and seeing his image they gaze in worship and make offerings.
"If such people's relatives had fallen into bad paths and were destined to remain there for many eons, those relatives will quickly gain release, be born among people or gods, and experience supremely wonderful bliss.
That will happen because of the meritorious virtue generated by their sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters who carved or painted images of Earth Store Bodhisattva and then gazed upon and worshipped them.
If such people's relatives had already been born among people or gods on the strength of their own blessings and were already experiencing supremely wonderful bliss, then upon receiving that additional merit, their causes leading to Sagehood will increase, and they will experience limitless bliss.
"If such people are able to behold and worship images of Earth Store Bodhisattva single-mindedly during three weeks, reciting his name a full ten thousand times, the Bodhisattva may then manifest a boundless body and describe to those people the realms into which their relatives have been born. Or in their dreams the Bodhisattva may manifest great spiritual power and personally lead them to those worlds to see their relatives.
"If they can further recite the Bodhisattva's name one thousand times a day every day for one thousand days, the Bodhisattva will send the ghosts and earth spirits in the vicinity of such people to guard and protect them for their entire lives.
In this world their clothing and food will be abundant and they will have no suffering from sickness or other causes. No accidents will occur in their households, much less affect them personally. Finally, the Bodhisattva will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions upon them.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, good men or good women in the future may want to practice great compassion in rescuing and taking across beings. They may want to cultivate unsurpassed Bodhi, and may want to leave the Triple World.
Those people may see Earth Store Bodhisattva's image, hear his name, and in their hearts take refuge with him. They may use incense, flowers, clothing, jewels, food and drink to make offerings while beholding and worshipping him. Such good people's wishes will quickly be realized and they will never have any further obstructions.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future, good men and women may want to fulfill hundreds of thousands of millions of vows and to succeed in as many undertakings in both the present and future.
They need only take refuge with, gaze upon, worship, make offerings to, and praise images of Earth Store Bodhisattva. In such a way, their vows and goals can all be realized.
Moreover, they may hope that Earth Store Bodhisattva, being endowed with great compassion, will always protect them. In dreams the Bodhisattva will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions upon them.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, good men and women in the future may have high regard for the Great Vehicle Sutras and make the inconceivable resolve to read them and to recite them from memory.
They may then encounter a bright master who instructs them so that they may become familiar with the texts. But as soon as they learn them, they forget them. They may try for months or years and yet still be unable to read or recite them from memory.
Because those good men and good women have karmic obstructions from past lives that have not yet been resolved, they are unable to read and memorize Sutras of the Great Vehicle.
"Upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva's name or seeing his image, such people should, with deep respect and honesty, state their situation to the Bodhisattva.
In addition, they should use incense, flowers, clothing, food and drink, and other material objects they enjoy to make offerings to the Bodhisattva.
They should place a bowl of pure water before the Bodhisattva for one day and one night.
Afterwards, placing their palms together, they should state their request and then, while facing south, prepare to drink the water. As the water is about to enter their mouths they should be particularly sincere and solemn.
After drinking the water they should abstain from the five pungent plants, wine, meat, improper sexual activity, false speech, and all killing and harming for one to three weeks.
"In dreams those good men and good women may then see Earth Store Bodhisattva manifesting a boundless body and anointing the crowns of their heads with water.
When they awaken they may be endowed with keen intelligence.
Upon hearing this Sutra but one time, they will eternally remember it and never forget or lose a single sentence or verse.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future there may be people whose food and clothing are insufficient, who find their efforts thwarted, who endure much sickness or misfortune, whose families are not peaceful, whose relatives are scattered, who are accident prone, or who are often startled in their sleep by dreams.
Upon hearing Earth Store's name and seeing his image, such people should recite his name a full ten thousand times with extreme sincerity and respect. Those inauspicious circumstances will gradually disappear, and they will gain peace and happiness. Their food and clothing will be abundant and even in their dreams they will be peaceful and happy.
"Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future, good men or good women may have to enter mountain forests, cross over rivers, seas, or other large bodies of water, or take dangerous routes either for the sake of earning their own livelihood, or for public or personal affairs, or matters of life and death, or other urgent business.
Such people should first recite the name of Earth Store Bodhisattva a full ten thousand times. The ghosts and spirits of the lands they pass through will then guard and protect them in their walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.
The peace and happiness of those people will constantly be preserved, so that even if they encounter tigers, wolves, lions, or any other harmful or poisonous creatures, they will not be harmed."
The Buddha told the Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, "Earth Store Bodhisattva has great affinities with beings in Jambudvipa. Hundreds of thousands of eons would not be time enough to describe the benefits derived by beings who see this Bodhisattva and hear his name.
"Therefore, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, you should use your spiritual powers to propagate this Sutra, thus enabling beings in the Saha World to receive peace and happiness always, throughout hundreds of thousands of eons."
At that time the World Honored One spoke verses, saying:
I observe that Earth Store's awesome spiritual strength, Could not be fully described even in Ganges sands' eons. Seeing, hearing, beholding and bowing to him even once Benefits people and gods in endless numbers of ways.
Men and women, gods or dragons who are near the end Of their rewards and on the verge of falling into Evil Paths, Can, by sincerely taking refuge with this Great Being, Have their lifespans lengthened; their offenses dissolved.
Sometimes youngsters lose their kind and loving parents And do not know what paths they took. Quite often lost brothers, sisters, and other kin Were never known by their surviving relatives.
If such people sculpt or paint this Bodhisattva's image And then beseech, behold and bow to him intently, And if they hold his name in mind a full three weeks The Bodhisattva may display a boundless body.
He may reveal the realms where relatives were born And even quickly free those in bad destinies. If those praying can sustain their initial resolve, He may rub their heads and predict their Sagehood.
Since those determined to cultivate unsurpassed Bodhi And escape the suffering here in the Triple World, Have already discovered their great compassionate hearts, They should first behold and bow to this Great Being. Then every vow they make will soon be fulfilled And no karmic obstructions will ever hinder or stop them.
Some people may resolve to read the sutra texts Hoping to help those confused to reach the other shore. Although the vows they make are quite remarkable, Try as they may, they cannot remember what they read.
Because of their karmic obstructions and delusions, Those people cannot memorize the Mahayana sutras. But they can offer scents and flowers to Earth Store. They can give him clothing, food, and other things they like.
They can place pure water on an altar to the Bodhisattva, And leave it there a day and night before they drink it. With diligent intent they should abstain from pungent plants, Alcohol, meat, improper sex and false speech.
For three weeks they should not kill or harm any creature, While being mindful of the name of that Great Being. Then suddenly in a dream their vision may become boundless. Awakening, they may discover that they now have keen hearing.
From then on, once they hear the teachings of the sutras, They will never forget them throughout thousands of lives. How inconceivable this Bodhisattva is In helping people like that gain such wisdom!
Beings may be impoverished or plagued with disease, Their homes may be troubled; their relatives scattered. They may find no peace even in sleep or dreams. Their efforts may be thwarted so that nothing goes their way.
But if they earnestly behold and bow to Earth Store's image All those evil situations will simply disappear. And even their dreams will be totally peaceful. Food and clothes will be ample; spirits and ghosts protective.
People may need to enter mountain forests, cross great seas, Or go among venomous or evil birds and beasts, evil people, Evil spirits, evil ghosts, and even evil winds Or put themselves in other distressing situations.
They need only gaze in worship and make offerings To an image of the Great Being, Earth Store Bodhisattva. In response, all the evils in those mountain forests And on those vast seas will simply disappear.
Contemplator of Sounds, listen well to what I say. Earth Store Bodhisattva is an unending wonder! Hundreds of thousands of eons is time too brief To describe fully the powers of this Great Being.
If people can but hear the name "Earth Store," And when seeing his image revere him and bow in worship, And offer incense, flowers, clothing, food, and drink, Those gifts will bring them hundreds of thousands of joys.
If they can dedicate such merit to the Dharma Realm, They will become Buddhas, transcending birth and death. Contemplator of Sounds, know this well, And tell everyone everywhere in lands like Ganges sands." CHAPTER 13: The Entrustment of People and Gods
At that time the World Honored One extended his gold-colored arm, and again rubbed the crown of the head of Earth Store Bodhisattva while saying, "Earth Store, Earth Store, your spiritual powers, compassion, wisdom, and eloquence are inconceivable.
Even if all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions were to proclaim their praise of your inconceivable deeds, they could not finish in thousands eons.
"Earth Store, Earth Store, remember this entrustment that I am again making here in the Trayastrimsha Heaven in this great assembly of hundreds of thousands of millions of indescribably many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division.
I again entrust to you the gods, people, and others who are still in the burning house and have not yet left the Triple World.
Do not allow those beings to fall into the evil destinies even for a single day and night, much less fall into the Fivefold Relentless Hell or the Avichi Hell, where they would have to pass through thousands of millions of eons with no chance of escape.
"Earth Store, the beings of southern Jambudvipa have irresolute wills and natures. They habitually do many evil deeds. Even if they resolve to do good, they soon renounce that resolve. If they encounter evil conditions, they tend to become increasingly involved in them.
For those reasons I reduplicate hundreds of thousands of millions of bodies to transform beings, take them across, and liberate them, all in accord with their own fundamental natures.
"Earth Store, I now earnestly entrust the multitudes of gods and people to you.
If in the future among gods and people there are good men or good women who plant a few good roots in the Buddhadharma, be they as few as a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water, then you should use your powers in the Way to protect them so that they gradually cultivate the Unsurpassed Way and do not get lost or retreat from it.
"Moreover, Earth Store, in the future, gods or people, according to the responses of their karmic retributions, may be due to fall into the evil destinies. They may be on the brink of falling or may already be at the very gates to those paths.
But if they can recite the name of one Buddha or Bodhisattva or a single sentence or verse of a Great Vehicle Sutra, then you should use your spiritual powers to rescue them with expedient means.
Display a boundless body in the places where they are, smash the hells, and lead them to be born in the heavens and to experience supremely wonderful bliss."
At that time the World Honored One spoke in verse, saying
I am entrusting to your care the multitudes
Of gods and people both now and in the future.
Use great spiritual powers and expedients to save them.
Do not allow them to fall into the evil destinies.
At that time Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, knelt on one knee, placed his palms together, and said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I beg the World Honored One not to be concerned.
In the future if good men and women have a single thought of respect toward the Buddhadharma, I shall use hundreds of thousands of expedients to take them across and free them. They will quickly be liberated from birth and death.
How much more will that be the case for those who, having heard about all these good matters, are inspired to cultivate. They will naturally become irreversible from the Unsurpassed Way."
After he finished speaking, a Bodhisattva named Empty Space Treasury, who was in the assembly, spoke to the Buddha, "World Honored One, I personally have come to the Trayastrimsha Heaven and have heard the Thus Come One praise Earth Store Bodhisattva's awesome spiritual strength, saying that it is inconceivable.
If in the future, good men, good women, gods, and dragons hear this Sutra and the name of Earth Store Bodhisattva and if they behold and bow to his image, how many kinds of blessings and benefits will they obtain?
Please, World Honored One, say a few words about this for the sake of beings of the present and future."
The Buddha told Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva, "Listen attentively, listen attentively, I shall enumerate them and describe them to you.
"Good men or women in the future may see images of Earth Store Bodhisattva and hear this Sutra or read or recite it. They may use incense, flowers, food and drink, clothing, and gems to give gifts and make offerings. They may praise, behold and bow to him. Such beings will benefit in twenty-eight ways:
First, they will be protected by gods and dragons.
Second, their good roots will increase daily.
Third, they will amass supreme causes pertaining to Sagehood.
Fourth, they will not retreat from Bodhi.
Fifth, their clothing and food will be abundant.
Sixth, they will never be infected by epidemics.
Seventh, they will never be in disasters of fire and water.
Eighth, they will never be threatened by thieves.
Ninth, they will be respected by all who see them.
Tenth, they will be aided by ghosts and spirits.
Eleventh, women who want to can be reborn as men.
Twelfth, women who want to can be daughters of leaders of nations and officials.
Thirteenth, they will have an upright and proper appearance.
Fourteenth, they will often be born in the heavens.
Fifteenth, they may be emperors or leaders of nations.
Sixteenth, they will have the wisdom to know past lives.
Seventeenth, they will attain whatever they seek.
Eighteenth, their families will be happy.
Nineteenth, they will never undergo any disasters.
Twentieth, they will leave the bad karmic paths forever.
Twenty-first, they will always arrive at their destination.
Twenty-second, their dreams will be peaceful and happy.
Twenty-third, their deceased relatives will leave suffering behind.
Twenty-fourth, they will enjoy blessings earned in previous lives.
Twenty-fifth, they will be praised by sages.
Twenty-sixth, they will be intelligent and have keen faculties.
Twenty-seventh, they will be magnanimous and empathic.
Twenty-eighth, they will ultimately realize Buddhahood.
"Moreover, Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva, if gods, dragons, or spirits of the present or future hear Earth Store's name, bow to Earth Store's image, or hear of Earth Store's past vows and the events of his practices, and then praise him, behold, and bow to him, they will benefit in seven ways:
First, they will quickly transcend to levels of Sagehood.
Second, their evil karma will dissolve.
Third, all Buddhas will protect and be near them.
Fourth, they will not retreat from Bodhi.
Fifth, their inherent powers will increase.
Sixth, they will know past lives.
Seventh, they will ultimately realize Buddhahood."
At that time, all the indescribable, indescribable, numbers of Buddhas, Thus Come Ones who had come from the Ten Directions, and Great Bodhisattvas, gods, dragons and the rest of the Eightfold Division, having heard Shakyamuni Buddha's praise of Earth Store Bodhisattva's great awesome spiritual powers, praised this unprecedented event.
Following that, incense, flowers, heavenly garments, and pearl necklaces rained down in the Trayastrimsha Heaven as offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha and Earth Store Bodhisattva, and everyone in the assembly joined together in beholding and making obeisance to them. Then they placed their palms together and withdrew.
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