Người nhiều lòng tham giống như cầm đuốc đi ngược gió, thế nào cũng bị lửa táp vào tay.
Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Hương hoa thơm chỉ bay theo chiều gió, tiếng thơm người hiền lan tỏa khắp nơi nơi.
Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 54)
Thường tự xét lỗi mình, đừng nói lỗi người khác.
Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Ví như người mù sờ voi, tuy họ mô tả đúng thật như chỗ sờ biết, nhưng ta thật không thể nhờ đó mà biết rõ hình thể con voi.Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Những người hay khuyên dạy, ngăn người khác làm ác, được người hiền kính yêu, bị kẻ ác không thích.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 77)
Người ta vì ái dục sinh ra lo nghĩ; vì lo nghĩ sinh ra sợ sệt. Nếu lìa khỏi ái dục thì còn chi phải lo, còn chi phải sợ?Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Người có trí luôn thận trọng trong cả ý nghĩ, lời nói cũng như việc làm. Kinh Pháp cú
Khi ăn uống nên xem như dùng thuốc để trị bệnh, dù ngon dù dở cũng chỉ dùng đúng mức, đưa vào thân thể chỉ để khỏi đói khát mà thôi.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, sân làm hại người đời. Bố thí người ly sân, do vậy được quả lớn.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 357)
"Nó mắng tôi, đánh tôi,
Nó thắng tôi, cướp tôi."
Ai ôm hiềm hận ấy, hận thù không thể nguôi.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 3)
Kính mong quý độc giả xem kinh cùng góp sức hoàn thiện bằng cách gửi email về để báo cho chúng tôi biết những chỗ còn có lỗi.
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[204] 1.1. THUS HAVE I HEARD.225 Once the Venerable Ānanda was staying at Sāvatthi, in Jeta’s grove, in Anāthapiṇḍika’s park, shortly after the Lord’s final passing.226 And at that time the youth Subha, Todeyya’s son,227 was staying at Sāvatthi on some business.
1.2. And Subha said to a certain young man:
‘Go, my lad, to where the ascetic Ānanda is, ask him in my name if he is in good health, free from fatigue, strong, vigorous and dwelling in comfort, and say: “It would be good if the Reverend Ānanda would, out of compassion, visit the dwelling of Subha the son of Todeyya.”’
1.3 ‘Very good, sir’, replied the young man. Then he went to the Venerable Ānanda, exchanged courtesies with him, and sat down to one side. Then he delivered [205] the message.
1.4. The Venerable Ānanda replied:
‘It is not the right time, young man. Today I have taken some medicine. Perhaps it will be possible to come tomorrow when the time and the occasion are suitable.’
And the young man rose, returned to Subha and reported what had passed between him and the Venerable Ānanda, adding:
‘My mission has been thus far accomplished, that the Reverend Ānanda will probably take the opportunity to come tomorrow.’
1.5. And indeed, as that night was ending, the Venerable Ānanda dressed in the early morning, took his robe and bowl and, accompanied by the Venerable Cetaka,228 came to Subha’s dwelling, and sat down on the prepared seat. Then Subha approached the Venerable Ānanda, exchanged courtesies with him, and sat down to one side. Then he said: [206]
‘The Reverend Ānanda was for a long time the Reverend Gotama’s personal attendant, dwelling in his presence and near him. You, Reverend Ānanda, would know what things the Reverend Gotama praised, and with which he aroused, exhorted and established people. Which, Reverend Ānanda, were those things?’
1.6. ‘Subha, there were three divisions of things which the Lord praised, and with which he aroused, exhorted and established people. Which three? The division of Ariyan morality,229 the division of Ariyan concentration, and the division of Ariyan wisdom. These were the three divisions of things which the Lord praised...’
‘Well, Reverend Ānanda, what is the division of Ariyan morality which the Reverend Gotama praised ... ?’
1.7 — 29. ‘Young sir, a Tathāgata arises in the world, an Arahant, fully-enlightened Buddha, endowed with wisdom and conduct, Well-Farer, Knower of the worlds, incomparable Trainer of men to be tamed, Teacher of gods and humans, enlightened and blessed. He, having realised it by his own super-knowledge, proclaims this world with its devas, māras and Brahmās, its princes and people.
He preaches the Dhamma which is lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, lovely in its ending, in the spirit and in the letter, and displays the fully-perfected and purified holy life. A disciple goes forth and practises the moralities, etc. (Sutta 2, verses 41 — 63). Thus a monk is perfected in morality.
1.30. ‘That is the division of Ariyan morality which the Lord praised... But something more remains to be done.’
‘It is wonderful, Reverend Ānanda, it is marvellous! This division of Ariyan morality is perfectly fulfilled, not left incomplete. And I do not see this division of Ariyan morality [207] fulfilled thus anywhere among the ascetics and Brahmins of other schools. And if any of them were to have found this perfection in themselves, they would have been so delighted that they would have said: “We’ve done enough! The goal of our asceticism has been reached! There’s nothing more to be done!” And yet the Reverend Ānanda declares that there is more to be done!’
[End of first recitation-section]
2.1. ‘Reverend Ānanda, what is the division of Ariyan concentration which the Reverend Gotama praised... ?’
2.2 — 18. ‘And how is a monk guardian of the sense-doors?
He guards the sense-doors and attains the four jhānas (Sutta 2, verses 64 — 82). This comes to him through concentration. [208]
2.19. ‘That is the division of Ariyan concentration which the Lord praised ... But something more remains to be done.’
‘It is wonderful, Reverend Ānanda, it is marvellous! This division of Ariyan concentration is perfectly fulfilled, not left incomplete. And I do not see this division of Ariyan concentration fulfilled thus anywhere among the ascetics and Brahmins of other schools.
And if any of them were to have found this perfection in themselves, they would have been so delighted that they would have said: “We’ve done enough! The goal of our asceticism has been reached! There’s nothing more to be done!” And yet the Reverend Ānanda declares that there is more to be done!’
2.20. ‘Reverend Ānanda, what is the division of Ariyan wisdom which the Reverend Gotama praised?’
2.21 — 22. ‘And so, with mind concentrated he attains various insights (Sutta 2, verses 83 — 84). That is known to him by wisdom.
2.23 — 36. ‘He realises the Four Noble Truths, the path and the cessation of the corruptions (Sutta 2, verses 85 — 97). And he knows: “... There is nothing further here.”
2.37. ‘That is the division of Ariyan wisdom which the Lord praised, with which he aroused, exhorted and established people. Beyond that there is nothing to be done.’ [210]
‘It is wonderful, Reverend Ānanda, it is marvellous! This division of Ariyan wisdom is perfectly fulfilled, not left incomplete. And I do not see this division of Ariyan wisdom fulfilled thus anywhere among the ascetics and Brahmins of other schools. And there is nothing further to be done!
Excellent, Reverend Ānanda, excellent! It is as if someone were to set up what had been knocked down, or to point out the way to one who had got lost, or to bring an oil-lamp into a dark place, so that those with eyes could see what was there. Just so the Reverend Ānanda has expounded the Dhamma in various ways.
‘Reverend Ānanda, I go for refuge to the Lord Gotama, the Dhamma and the Sangha. May the Reverend Ānanda accept me as a lay-follower who has taken refuge from this day forth as long as life shall last!’
Hết phần 10. Kinh Subha (Tu-bà) (Subha sutta) (Lên đầu trang)
Chú ý: Việc đăng nhập thường chỉ thực hiện một lần và hệ thống sẽ ghi nhớ thiết bị này, nhưng nếu đã đăng xuất thì lần truy cập tới quý vị phải đăng nhập trở lại. Quý vị vẫn có thể tiếp tục sử dụng trang này, nhưng hệ thống sẽ nhận biết quý vị như khách vãng lai.
Quý vị đang truy cập từ IP và chưa ghi danh hoặc đăng nhập trên máy tính này. Nếu là thành viên, quý vị chỉ cần đăng nhập một lần duy nhất trên thiết bị truy cập, bằng email và mật khẩu đã chọn.
Chúng tôi khuyến khích việc ghi danh thành viên ,để thuận tiện trong việc chia sẻ thông tin, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm sống giữa các thành viên, đồng thời quý vị cũng sẽ nhận được sự hỗ trợ kỹ thuật từ Ban Quản Trị trong quá trình sử dụng website này. Việc ghi danh là hoàn toàn miễn phí và tự nguyện.
Ghi danh hoặc đăng nhập
Thành viên đang online: Viên Hiếu Thành Huệ Lộc 1959 Bữu Phước Chúc Huy Minh Pháp Tự minh hung thich Diệu Âm Phúc Thành Phan Huy Triều Phạm Thiên Trương Quang Quý Johny Dinhvinh1964 Pascal Bui Vạn Phúc Giác Quý Trần Thị Huyền Chanhniem Forever NGUYỄN TRỌNG TÀI KỲ Dương Ngọc Cường Mr. Device Tri Huynh Thích Nguyên Mạnh Thích Quảng Ba T TH Tam Thien Tam Nguyễn Sĩ Long caokiem hoangquycong Lãn Tử Ton That Nguyen ngtieudao Lê Quốc Việt Du Miên Quang-Tu Vu phamthanh210 An Khang 63 zeus7777 Trương Ngọc Trân Diệu Tiến ... ...