Người ngu nghĩ mình ngu, nhờ vậy thành có trí. Người ngu tưởng có trí, thật xứng gọi chí ngu.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 63)
Xưa, vị lai, và nay, đâu có sự kiện này: Người hoàn toàn bị chê,người trọn vẹn được khen.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 228)
Kẻ không biết đủ, tuy giàu mà nghèo. Người biết đủ, tuy nghèo mà giàu. Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Ai bác bỏ đời sau, không ác nào không làm.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 176)
Ðêm dài cho kẻ thức, đường dài cho kẻ mệt,
luân hồi dài, kẻ ngu, không biết chơn diệu pháp.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 60)
Tìm lỗi của người khác rất dễ, tự thấy lỗi của mình rất khó.
Kinh Pháp cú
Người ta trói buộc với vợ con, nhà cửa còn hơn cả sự giam cầm nơi lao ngục. Lao ngục còn có hạn kỳ được thả ra, vợ con chẳng thể có lấy một chốc lát xa lìa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Giặc phiền não thường luôn rình rập giết hại người, độc hại hơn kẻ oán thù. Sao còn ham ngủ mà chẳng chịu tỉnh thức?Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Kẻ làm điều ác là tự chuốc lấy việc dữ cho mình.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Chớ khinh tội nhỏ, cho rằng không hại;
giọt nước tuy nhỏ, dần đầy hồ to!
(Do not belittle any small evil and say that no ill comes about therefrom. Small is a drop of water, yet it fills a big vessel.)Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
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1 (1) Agreeable and Dsagreeable (1)
“Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses five factors she is extremely disagreeable to a man. What five? She is not beautiful, not wealthy, not virtuous; she is lethargic; and she does not beget children. When a woman possesses these five factors she is extremely disagreeable to a man.
“Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses five factors she is extremely agreeable to a man. What five? She is beautiful, wealthy, and virtuous; she is clever and industrious; and she begets children. When a woman possesses these five factors she is extremely agreeable to a man.”
2 (2) Agreeable and Disagreeable (2)
“Bhikkhus, when a man possesses five factors he is extremely disagreeable to a woman. What five? He is not handsome, not wealthy, not virtuous; he is lethargic; and he does not beget children. [239] When a man possesses these five factors he is extremely disagreeable to a woman.
“Bhikkhus, when a man possesses five factors he is extremely agreeable to a woman. What five? He is handsome, wealthy, and virtuous; he is clever
and industrious; and he begets children. When a man possesses these five factors he is extremely agreeable to a woman.”
(The same as the above.)
3 (3) Peculiar
“Bhikkhus, there are five kinds of suffering peculiar to women,262 which women experience but not men. What five?
“Here, bhikkhus, even when young, a woman goes to live with her husband’s family and is separated from her relatives. This is the first kind of suffering peculiar to women….
“Again, a woman is subject to menstruation. This is the second kind of suffering peculiar to women….
“Again, a woman becomes pregnant. This is the third kind of suffering peculiar to women….
“Again, a woman gives birth. This is the fourth kind of suffering peculiar to women….
“Again, a woman is made to serve a man. This is the fifth kind of suffering peculiar to women….
“These, bhikkhus, are the five kinds of suffering peculiar to women, which women experience but not men.” [240]
4 (4) Three Qualities
“Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses three qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is generally reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell. What are the three? Here, bhikkhus, in the morning a woman dwells at home with her heart obsessed by the taint of selfishness; at noon she dwells at home with her heart obsessed by envy; in the evening she dwells at home with her heart obsessed by sensual lust.
When a woman possesses these three qualities … she is generally reborn in a state of misery … in hell.”
(Anuruddha: (i) The Dark Side)
5 (5) Angry
Then the Venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One … and said to him:263 “Here, venerable sir, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, I see women, with the breakup of the body, after death, being reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell. When a woman possesses how many qualities, venerable sir, is she reborn thus?”
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell. What five?
“She is without faith, shameless, unafraid of wrongdoing, angry, unwise. When a woman possesses these five qualities [241] she is reborn in a state of misery ... in hell.”
6 (6)-13 (13) Malicious, Etc.
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell. What five?
“She is without faith, shameless, unafraid of wrongdoing, malicious, [envious ... stingy … of loose conduct ... immoral … unlearned ... lazy ... muddle-minded,]264 unwise. When a woman possesses these five qualities she is reborn in a state of misery ... in hell.” [242–43]
14 (14) The Five
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell. What are the five?
“She destroys life, takes what is not given, engages in sexual misconduct, speaks falsehood, and indulges in wine, liquor, and intoxicants that cause negligence. When a woman possesses these five qualities she is reborn in a state of misery ... in hell.”
(Anuruddha: (ii) The Bright Side)
15 (1) Without Anger
Then the Venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One ... and said to him: “Here, venerable sir, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, I see women, with the breakup of the body, after death, being reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. When a woman possesses how many qualities, venerable sir, is she reborn thus?”
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What are the five?
“She has faith, she has a sense of shame, she is afraid of wrongdoing, she is without anger, she is wise. When a woman possesses these five qualities
[244] she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.”
16 (2)-23 (9) Without Malice, Etc.
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What are the five?
“She has faith, she has a sense of shame, she is afraid of wrongdoing, she is without malice, [without envy ... not stingy ... not of loose conduct ... virtuous ... learned ... energetic ... mindful,] 265 wise. When a woman possesses these five qualities she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.” [245]
24 (10) The Five Precepts
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What are the five?
“She abstains from the destruction of life, abstains from taking what is not given, abstains from sexual misconduct, abstains from false speech, abstains from wine, liquor, and intoxicants that cause negligence. When a woman possesses these five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.”
25 (1) Confident
“Bhikkhus, there are five powers of a woman. What are the five? The power of beauty, the power of wealth, the power of relatives, the power of sons, the power of virtue. These are the five powers of a woman. When a woman possesses these five powers, she dwells confident at home.”
26 (2) Having Won Over
“Bhikkhus, there are five powers of a woman…. (as above ) ... When a woman possesses these five powers, she dwells at home having won over her husband.”266
27 (3) Under Her Control
“Bhikkhus, there are five powers of a woman…. (as above ) ... When a woman possesses these five powers, she abides with her husband under her control.”
28 (4) One
“Bhikkhus, when a man possesses one power, he abides with a woman under his control. What is that one power? The power of authority. When a woman has been overcome by the power of authority, neither the power of beauty can rescue her, nor the power of wealth, nor the power of relatives, nor the power of sons, nor the power of virtue.” [247]
29 (5) In That Respect
“Bhikkhus, there are these five powers of a woman. What are the five? The power of beauty, the power of wealth, the power of relatives, the power of sons, the power of virtue.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of beauty but not the power of wealth, then she is deficient in that respect. But if she possesses the power of beauty and the power of wealth too, then she is complete in that respect.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty and wealth, but not the power of relatives, then she is deficient in that respect. But if she
possesses the powers of beauty and wealth, and the power of relatives too, then she is complete in that respect.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, and relatives, but not the power of sons, then she is deficient in that respect. But if she possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, and relatives, and the power of sons too, then she is complete in that respect.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, relatives, and sons, but not the power of virtue, then she is deficient in that respect. But if she possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, relatives, and sons, and the power of virtue too, then she is complete in that respect.
“These are the five powers of a woman.”
30 (6) They Expel
“Bhikkhus, there are these five powers of a woman ... [248] … the power of virtue.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of beauty but not the power of virtue, they expel her; they do not accommodate her in the family.267
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty and wealth, but not the power of virtue, they expel her; they do not accommodate her in the family.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, and relatives, but not the power of virtue, they expel her; they do not accommodate her in the family.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the powers of beauty, wealth, relatives, and sons, but not the power of virtue, they expel her; they do not accommodate her in the family.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of virtue but not the power of beauty, they accommodate her in the family; they do not expel her.268
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of virtue but not the power of wealth, they accommodate her in the family; they do not expel her.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of virtue but not the power of relatives, they accommodate her in the family; they do not expel her.
“If, bhikkhus, a woman possesses the power of virtue but not the power of sons, they accommodate her in the family; they do not expel her.
“These are the five powers of a woman.”
31 (7) The Cause
“Bhikkhus, there are these five powers of a woman … the power of virtue. “Bhikkhus, it is not because of the power of beauty, or the power of
wealth, or the power of relatives, or the power of sons, that with the breakup of the body, after death, a woman is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. It is because of the power of virtue that a woman is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.
“These are the five powers of a woman.” [249]
32 (8) Situations
“Bhikkhus, there are five situations that are difficult to obtain for a woman who has not done merit. What are the five?
“She may wish: ‘May I be born into a suitable family!’ This is the first situation that is difficult to obtain for a woman who has not done merit.
“She may wish: ‘Having been born into a suitable family, may I marry into a suitable family!’ This is the second situation….
“She may wish: ‘Having been born into a suitable family and having married into a suitable family, may I dwell at home without a rival!’269 This is the third situation….
“She may wish: ‘Having been born into a suitable family … dwelling at home without a rival, may I bear sons!’ This is the fourth situation…. [250]
“She may wish: ‘Having been born into a suitable family … having borne sons, may I abide with my husband under my control! ’ This is the fifth situation….
“These are the five situations that are difficult to obtain for a woman who has not done merit.
“Bhikkhus, there are five situations that are easy to obtain for a woman who has done merit. What are the five?
“She may wish: ‘May I be born into a suitable family!’ This is the first situation….
“She may wish: ‘Having been born into a suitable family … having borne sons, may I abide with my husband under my control! ’ This is the fifth situation….
“These are the five situations that are easy to obtain for a woman who has done merit.”
33 (9) Confident
“Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses five qualities she dwells confident at home. What are the five? She abstains from the destruction of life, abstains from taking what is not given, abstains from sexual misconduct, abstains from false speech, abstains from wine, liquor, and intoxicants that cause negligence. When a woman possesses these five qualities she dwells confident at home.”
34 (10) Growth
“Bhikkhus, growing in five areas of growth, a woman noble disciple grows with a noble growth, and she acquires the essence, acquires the best, of this
bodily existence. What are the five? She grows in faith, in virtue, in learning, in generosity, and in wisdom. Growing in these five areas of growth, a woman noble disciple grows with a noble growth, and she acquires the essence, acquires the best, of this bodily existence.
“When she grows here in faith and virtue, In wisdom, generosity, and learning,
The virtuous woman lay disciple
Acquires right here the essence for herself.”
Hết phần Chương Ba - Tương Ưng Nữ Nhân (Mātugāmasaṃyutta ) (Lên đầu trang)
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