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2006-09-28 — The Buddhist Monk's Discipline for Laypeople
- The Buddhist Monk's Discipline: Some Points Explained for Laypeople, by Bhikkhu Khantipalo (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 130/131; 1984; 107k/29pp.)
- This is a useful introductory guide for laypeople who wish to understand how they can be supportive to monks, whether during a visit to a monastery or when a monk comes to stay in one's home. Includes an overview of the monks' training rules and extensive discussion of practical day-to-day matters such as how to greet a monk, how to offer food, how to provide suitable accommodation, etc.
2006-09-24 — Dhamma talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
- Meditations 2
by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 508k/139pp.)
- The second in a series of anthologies of Dhamma talks that Thanissaro Bhikkhu delivered at Metta Forest Monastery, California.
2006-09-23 — Life's Highest Blessings
- Life's Highest Blessings: The Maha Mangala Sutta
by R.L. Soni (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 254/256; 1987; 161k/51pp.)
- The Maha-mangala Sutta presents the Buddha's most fundamental teachings on how to find happiness in this very life. This book contains a translation of this important sutta, along with helpful notes, extensive commentary. Also includes the Pali text and a word-by-word translation that will be useful for Pali students.
2006-09-12 — From the Dhammapada Commentary
- Buddhist Stories from the Dhammapada Commentary (Part II), Translated from the Pali by E.W. Burlingame, selected and revised by Bhikkhu Khantipalo (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel No. 324; 1985; 106k/32pp.)
- In the fifth century the great Pali scholar-monk Buddhaghosa wrote an extensive commentary to the much-beloved Dhammapada. His commentary provides background stories that set the stage for each brief verse, giving them an expansive context that greatly enriches their meaning. The present booklet is the second in a four-part anthology. (Additional volumes will appear on Access to Insight later in 2006.)
2006-08-15 — Two essays
- Faith in Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 35k/9pp.)
- Is faith necessary? In this essay the author challenges three popular misconceptions concerning the role of faith in Buddhism.
- Untangling the Present: The Role of Appropriate Attention, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 23k/6pp.)
- The key to success in Buddhist practice lies in your ability to frame the problem of suffering correctly, in terms of the Four Noble Truths.
2006-08-09 — The Four Nutriments
- The Four Nutriments of Life, by Nyanaponika Thera (Buddhist Publication Society Wheel Publication No. 105/106; 1981; 110k/31pp.)
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- Among the Buddha's most profound teachings is his observation that, like our bodies, our minds demand food for survival. Like a starving person, the mind hungers for sense-impressions; it feeds on thoughts, memories, ideas, and dreams; it even yearns for consciousness itself. This book includes carefully chosen excerpts from the suttas and commentaries that, together with the introductory essay, provide an excellent introduction to this vital topic.